Strange Happenings: "We Have Received an Application to Record Someone Else as the Registered Keeper" !



T6 Ocean 150
Bit of Background
Had my Cali Ocean serviced earlier this week .... When I got there the guy at the desk said he might have some good news to me I might not have to pay ! He said there was something on his system from a leasing / finance company and he would check with them.

After the service the guy came over to me and said the leasing / finance company had declined to pay but had asked who brought the vehicle in and could they let them know ASAP? I thought it was strange at the time and asked him whether it was VW finance and he said no (he did tell me who it was but I can't remember who now). He is on hols today but will check with him tomorrow.

I thought this was even stranger as when I bought the van it was off somebody who had finance on it from VW Finance to get a better deal - so if anything I was expecting it to be them. When I was at the dealers the completed service invoice and initial vehicle check stated that the car was a a Beach. It was subsequently amended to read Ocean. On "Webuyanycar" etc. it has also come up as a Beach when entering the registration.

The Problem
Anyway one day later, I received a letter from the DVLA stating that they received an application "to record someone else as the registered keeper". The document also stated that the V5 would be given to them if i did not respond within 14 days. So I spoke to DVLA this morning and I couldn't get from them who it came from, but when I put it to her whether a ringer could be involved she said that this was highly unlikely - I took it that this was a result from who the request had come in from for a change in the registered keeper. Anyway she said there can only be one owner and we would have to prove it.

Incidentally, when I bought the van I had the seller clear the finance from VW Finance in front of me and I did a HPI check which showed it had no outstanding finance on it. I just repeated the HPI check this morning and it stills shows no outstanding Finance. The V5 states that the van is an Ocean and it matches the stickers (no plate ?) on the window, under the bonnet and on the service manual.

Anybody have this happen to them or have a guess or theory as to what is going on ? Very strange indeed.

Bit of Background
Had my Cali Ocean serviced earlier this week .... When I got there the guy at the desk said he might have some good news to me I might not have to pay ! He said there was something on his system from a leasing / finance company and he would check with them.

After the service the guy came over to me and said the leasing / finance company had declined to pay but had asked who brought the vehicle in and could they let them know ASAP? I thought it was strange at the time and asked him whether it was VW finance and he said no (he did tell me who it was but I can't remember who now). He is on hols today but will check with him tomorrow.

I thought this was even stranger as when I bought the van it was off somebody who had finance on it from VW Finance to get a better deal - so if anything I was expecting it to be them. When I was at the dealers the completed service invoice and initial vehicle check stated that the car was a a Beach. It was subsequently amended to read Ocean. On "Webuyanycar" etc. it has also come up as a Beach when entering the registration.

The Problem
Anyway one day later, I received a letter from the DVLA stating that they received an application "to record someone else as the registered keeper". The document also stated that the V5 would be given to them if i did not respond within 14 days. So I spoke to DVLA this morning and I couldn't get from them who it came from, but when I put it to her whether a ringer could be involved she said that this was highly unlikely - I took it that this was a result from who the request had come in from for a change in the registered keeper. Anyway she said there can only be one owner and we would have to prove it.

Incidentally, when I bought the van I had the seller clear the finance from VW Finance in front of me and I did a HPI check which showed it had no outstanding finance on it. I just repeated the HPI check this morning and it stills shows no outstanding Finance. The V5 states that the van is an Ocean and it matches the stickers (no plate ?) on the window, under the bonnet and on the service manual.

Anybody have this happen to them or have a guess or theory as to what is going on ? Very strange indeed.

That's understandably very concerning. With that in mind, can I politely point out that you have left your postcode as your location on here. With your ongoing issue, I would suggest that you may not want the world to know your street location. Hope you are ok with me point that out? If it were me, I would change that to something a little more generic. Good luck with getting the issue resolved.
Very happy with you pointing that out, but it is not my postcode for the reasons you mentioned. One of the theories I have is that they could be trying to steal the vehicle at a later date and hence trying to get the V5 beforehand so they can sell it on or pass it on easier .... Can't really get my head around it as there is so many moving parts. I am convinced that the trip to the dealers for the service was the start of it ....
Very concerning for you on several fronts.

I wonder why any Leasing/Finance company would have any interest if there is nothing outstanding?

It’s peculiar that the DVLA say they will register the vehicle to somebody else! I wonder on what basis they can do that when you are the registered keeper?

Is there a sophisticated scam going on here?

Is it possible to check with the Police to see if your van has been reported stolen?

Hope you get to the bottom of it. Good luck.
Very happy with you pointing that out, but it is not my postcode for the reasons you mentioned. One of the theories I have is that they could be trying to steal the vehicle at a later date and hence trying to get the V5 beforehand so they can sell it on or pass it on easier .... Can't really get my head around it as there is so many moving parts. I am convinced that the trip to the dealers for the service was the start of it ....
Ok, no worries. I think I understand the thinking. I just hope that there are no Cali owners in the spoof postcode that you have published, as you might have given them something to worry about also.
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Ok, no worries. I think I understand the thinking. I just hope that there are no Cali owners in the spoof postcode that you have published, as you might have given them something to worry about also.
Very concerning for you on several fronts.

I wonder why any Leasing/Finance company would have any interest if there is nothing outstanding?

It’s peculiar that the DVLA say they will register the vehicle to somebody else! I wonder on what basis they can do that when you are the registered keeper?

Is there a sophisticated scam going on here?

Is it possible to check with the Police to see if your van has been reported stolen?

Hope you get to the bottom of it. Good luck.
"It’s peculiar that the DVLA say they will register the vehicle to somebody else! I wonder on what basis they can do that when you are the registered keeper?" Standard practice - i didn't know this before. Had I been on holiday it would have happened - greater than 14 days. HPI check this morning - not stolen / no outstanding Finance. Beginning to wonder if VW managed to register two vehicles to the same number plate - 1 ocean and 1 beach or something equally weird ! Postcode removed
Is there a stolen Cali out there with clone plates (yours) on it then someone bought the clone and in the process of registering it?
Is there a stolen Cali out there with clone plates (yours) on it then someone bought the clone and in the process of registering it?
That would be my thinking / concern.

If you go to and pop your reg in there, it tells you when the v5 was last issued. Does that tie in with when you purchased it?
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Is there a stolen Cali out there with clone plates (yours) on it then someone bought the clone and in the process of registering it?
Could well be the case - anybody buying one out there - 2019 - on here ping me a message and I will let you know the plates (I guess they could try this on with a number of vans and if someone is away for greater than 14 days and they don't respond the "cloner "would have their v5 and use their plates accordingly ....

Still think it is dealer related because of request from a finance / lease company for VW to ring them back with the name of the person that came in with the vehicle and also it was VW that brought the leasing company up when they entered my registration details on their system
Stu@rt yep ties in and all the HPI stuff is correct as of this morning !
And long may it stay that way. I don't envy you and the situation that you find yourself in. I do hope that there is a VW / DVLA innocent administration explanation for this and that there is not something more sinister at play here.
Personally I would contact the VW Garage who raised this issue in the first place, ask to speak to the after sales manager ( in charge of servicing dept)
go through the whole story providing the name of the guy / Gal you spoke to who asked you for the info regarding finance co. and see what they (the manager) can tell you from their system (that’s where the info would have come from for VW to raise the issue with you)

I would also report this to the police so they have a record in case of theft & advise VW of the same.

I would also put in writing to DVLA that you own the vehicle and provide Proof and a copy of your V5 ( presumably you have a receipt from the purchased and can show transfer of funds etc and a copy of the HPI check ? )

edit :

this part sounds extremely dodgy

“After the service the guy came over to me and said the leasing / finance company had declined to pay but had asked who brought the vehicle in and could they let them know ASAP? I thought it was strange at the time and asked him whether it was VW finance and he said no (he did tell me who it was but I can't remember who now). He is on hols today but will check with him tomorrow.” VW would have to have a specific reason to take this line of approach.

I would ask the dealer to print out the service history of the vehicle to check it all ties in with your records
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Bit of Background
Had my Cali Ocean serviced earlier this week .... When I got there the guy at the desk said he might have some good news to me I might not have to pay ! He said there was something on his system from a leasing / finance company and he would check with them.

After the service the guy came over to me and said the leasing / finance company had declined to pay but had asked who brought the vehicle in and could they let them know ASAP? I thought it was strange at the time and asked him whether it was VW finance and he said no (he did tell me who it was but I can't remember who now). He is on hols today but will check with him tomorrow.

I thought this was even stranger as when I bought the van it was off somebody who had finance on it from VW Finance to get a better deal - so if anything I was expecting it to be them. When I was at the dealers the completed service invoice and initial vehicle check stated that the car was a a Beach. It was subsequently amended to read Ocean. On "Webuyanycar" etc. it has also come up as a Beach when entering the registration.

The Problem
Anyway one day later, I received a letter from the DVLA stating that they received an application "to record someone else as the registered keeper". The document also stated that the V5 would be given to them if i did not respond within 14 days. So I spoke to DVLA this morning and I couldn't get from them who it came from, but when I put it to her whether a ringer could be involved she said that this was highly unlikely - I took it that this was a result from who the request had come in from for a change in the registered keeper. Anyway she said there can only be one owner and we would have to prove it.

Incidentally, when I bought the van I had the seller clear the finance from VW Finance in front of me and I did a HPI check which showed it had no outstanding finance on it. I just repeated the HPI check this morning and it stills shows no outstanding Finance. The V5 states that the van is an Ocean and it matches the stickers (no plate ?) on the window, under the bonnet and on the service manual.

Anybody have this happen to them or have a guess or theory as to what is going on ? Very strange indeed.

Call VW Finance; They might have not updated their records.
Call VW Finance; They might have not updated their records.
Why would A reputable finance company whom has no outstanding balance shown on HPI system try to claim the V5 without first contacting the current registered keeper To ascertain some basic facts ?

it all sounds a bit like a scam somewhere along the line, cloning is a possible explanation. If you suspect that the Police can put a “Marker“ on your registration number which will alert nationally when pinged via ANPR etc. Only down side is you’ll be speaking regularly to the boys and girls in Blue !
One final thing : photograph the vehicle from every angle, inside and out, under the bonnet, wheels, tyres etc.
do it at your home address and allow the camera to be date stamped and location etc and record the VIN number in those photos.

I would also contact the previous owner to advise of the issue and enquire if they ever had an issue like this ?
If you want to be totally safe, I would swap the plates for the cheapest personal plate you can find. If you are being cloned / lined up for being stolen it would distinguish yours from the clone etc
Bit of Background
Had my Cali Ocean serviced earlier this week .... When I got there the guy at the desk said he might have some good news to me I might not have to pay ! He said there was something on his system from a leasing / finance company and he would check with them.

After the service the guy came over to me and said the leasing / finance company had declined to pay but had asked who brought the vehicle in and could they let them know ASAP? I thought it was strange at the time and asked him whether it was VW finance and he said no (he did tell me who it was but I can't remember who now). He is on hols today but will check with him tomorrow.

I thought this was even stranger as when I bought the van it was off somebody who had finance on it from VW Finance to get a better deal - so if anything I was expecting it to be them. When I was at the dealers the completed service invoice and initial vehicle check stated that the car was a a Beach. It was subsequently amended to read Ocean. On "Webuyanycar" etc. it has also come up as a Beach when entering the registration.

The Problem
Anyway one day later, I received a letter from the DVLA stating that they received an application "to record someone else as the registered keeper". The document also stated that the V5 would be given to them if i did not respond within 14 days. So I spoke to DVLA this morning and I couldn't get from them who it came from, but when I put it to her whether a ringer could be involved she said that this was highly unlikely - I took it that this was a result from who the request had come in from for a change in the registered keeper. Anyway she said there can only be one owner and we would have to prove it.

Incidentally, when I bought the van I had the seller clear the finance from VW Finance in front of me and I did a HPI check which showed it had no outstanding finance on it. I just repeated the HPI check this morning and it stills shows no outstanding Finance. The V5 states that the van is an Ocean and it matches the stickers (no plate ?) on the window, under the bonnet and on the service manual.

Anybody have this happen to them or have a guess or theory as to what is going on ? Very strange indeed.

Hi Strange,

can you please advise which dealer you took your van into ? For the record ?
All Finance companies (including VW Finance) make mistakes from time to time. Would assume data protection would prevent them from obtaining driver details, hence the request via the DVLA.
A finance company wouldn’t be able to seize a car if that were the case !
Look up ‘Log book loans’. These don’t show up on finance checks.
In theory a scammer could start a change of Ownership very easily, they just do it online with the reference number on your V5. You don't mention how long you have owned the van? Have you tried to sell it recently or left the V5 in the van when unlocked (someone would only need to take a quick photo of the number whilst viewing the vehicle).

We sold a car a few weeks ago and registered the change of ownership online. Shortly after we received "record someone else as the registered keeper" letter.

Important thing is to reply to the DLVA with all documentation asap!
I'm probably being paranoid on your behalf, but are you sure the letter from the DLVA was legitimate and are you positive it was really them you contacted? Did you use the credentials provided on the letter or did you look them up yourself?
Could well be the case - anybody buying one out there - 2019
Without giving us your reg number can we have a photo? We can all keep an eye out for adverts for similar vans?
If nothing else knowing the colour would narrow down the possibilities.
Look up ‘Log book loans’. These don’t show up on finance checks.

Do logbook loans show up on HPI checks?​

The HPI check will flag up any outstanding finance on a vehicle, so a logbook loan will show up if it has not been paid in full at the time of the check. However, once the loan has been repaid the car is then yours to do with as you please and an HPI check will confirm that there is no outstanding finance.
Had it for over a year and a half. Haven't tried to sell it. Only place i have been is to the VW main dealers. Don't think you need any details to apply change of record keeper (afterall V5's get lost). Just fill in one of these if the DVLA don't hear from the current keeper within 14 days the V5 is updated with your details. Just pick a time when they / the owner is away for the 14 days to be exceeded or intercept it in the post !

Look at this for a case in point of how bad it can get:
Logbook loans tend to be from less scrupulous lenders of the sort that rely on baseball bats rather than registering an interest on HPI

With the current electronic transfer of vehicle keeper, there are lots of logbooks being retained by owners after the vehicle is sold.
If you’ve got a logbook it’s easy to secure a loan.

VW California Club
