Mr T

How-To Guide Grand California - How to add a Mains changeover switch for use with a solar generator 2022-11-20

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Massive thanks to @GordonH for creating this document.
For those Grand Cali owners who want to switch between shore power and solar generator power - such as Jackary or Ecoflow etc. this document explains how to add a changeover switch such that you can safely do that and run all 230v sockets in the Van from your chosen solar generator when not on shore power.

If you have an Ecoflow/Jackary or similar you can have a changeover system in the rear of the van with a 20A Neutrik feed that plugs into the Ecoflow/Jackary. It switches between the shore power input and that of the Ecoflow/Jackary - its an easy mod to make to the van as the consumer unit in the electrical cupboard is all plug & play so you just need to unplug the feed from the hookup, plug that into a lead that feeds the changeover then plug the output of the changeover into the consumer unit - easy to revert if you sell the van.
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Mr T
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