
Technical Guide T6 Ocean Fuse layout 2017-06-24

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found the fuse for the roof lights dimmer, 10A fuse had blown, an easy fix, but this diagram saved me time
There is a mistake in the diagram, the Refrigerator fuse is in the location where it says Rear interior lights
  • Perrythecalivan
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2017-06-24
Thankyou for sharing the fuse layout diagram. I was able to replace the correct fuse.
Just a word of warning. I looked at YouTube beforehand to try and find out how to remove the drinks holder in front of the central fuse board. The chap on the video explained that you had to just pull it out! After a few failed attempts I decided to contort myself (not easy at 6’2 and 16stone!) so that I could look in and found two lugs that you pull together with thumb and index finger and the drinks holder came out easily! Luckily nothing damaged!
Easy to follow help. Thank you!!
Thanks Loz. I note there are several fuse boxes on the Cali - do you happen to have diagrams of them all (and where they are located). Would be super appreciated!
Thanks Loz. Would you believe that another person, who shall remain nameless, tried to plug in her phone without an adapter. Now where have I heard that before?
Thanks Loz. Needed to know which fuse controlled the 12v socket by sink following a person who shall remain nameless tried to connect a USB device directly without the adapter.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2017-06-24
excellent thank you for uploading
Brilliant - thanks. Helped trouble shoot my water pump issue.
Helpful, thanks.