2022 - SLIMBRIDGE CALIFORNIA MEET Fri 23rd-Sun 25th September

Mr T1Chris
WelshGas2Paul & Terri. Restaurant booked Friday/Saturday 6pm
Saesneg Shaun2+ Dog
Calimagg2Maggie and Bob
Keith Smith2Plus Jess
TheDoc3Possibly +1 more
66PaulVWCoast2Booked this afternoon, will arrive 8.00 ish Friday evening.
Hamish S1
Docsu1Will get on to this first thing tomorrow to get booked in. So glad to see return of the meets.. All booked now plus aged cocker spaniel
Jabberwocky2All booked up and registered this morning. Easy process thanks.
alison1all booked in
Chordist2All booked, looking forward to meeting like minded folk on our first rally.
Arlene3Can't come now, but might join you for drink in pub as I'm local
Paul Dickinson1
SusiBus2Sue + Graham. No Cali at moment. Booked into BB.Coming in MGB for a chat
Photo Nan2We’re booked Tina and Pete Hogg and Pat the cherry red California Coast
Colin Graburn2
Calvin1Plus Bruno
Jane C2one California ocean "Nellie"
CaliforniamanIvan2Hi, just purchased a 2021 Ocean (2 weeks ago). We have booked with the campsite at Tudor caravan park and are looking forward to meeting everyone. Regards Maggie and Ivan plus Twiglet, our Jack Rus
Dingbat11st Rally!
BigJohn2Our first meet - looking forward to it! John & Amanda
Mattsv1Matt, Anita and Barney the bulldog in Seymour - Ascot grey coast
Peter Jennings2
Speleo622Instead of Arlene so deduct 3. Rosie and Mick