Thought it only polite to say hello after joining
Always looked at getting a camper van but never pushed the button so to speak... It must have been fate as out of the blue we got offered (through work) the option to lease a brand new Ocean for a 6 month period - hence i jumped at the chance...
We got to choose the colour (limited) but the spec was an unknown quantity, just got the spec' sheet through and seems pretty good.
I am sure i will have lots of questions for you educated folk, but for now hello one and all, and thanks in advance...
Always looked at getting a camper van but never pushed the button so to speak... It must have been fate as out of the blue we got offered (through work) the option to lease a brand new Ocean for a 6 month period - hence i jumped at the chance...
We got to choose the colour (limited) but the spec was an unknown quantity, just got the spec' sheet through and seems pretty good.
I am sure i will have lots of questions for you educated folk, but for now hello one and all, and thanks in advance...