Annoying issue with front seat belts.



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T6 Beach 150
Having lived with our new T5 SE since the beginning of October I can honestly say that it is a superbly designed package. However since picking it up there has been one very minor but increasingly irritating design issue.

Every time that my wife and I go to put on our seat belts we have to ferret around at floor level to find the retched seat belt buckle. Why? On every car I have ever owned the buckle is where you would expect to find it, somewhere near your left or right sholder depending on which side you are sitting. It it just our Cali or does everyones have this feature? Or has something to retain the buckle in the requied position been left off?

Sorry, I know its only a minor issue but I am finding myself getting more and more irritated by it every time I use the seat belt.
It would irritate me. Fortunately it does not happen with mine.

you may have a bit missing ... or let me rephrase that .... the seatbelt loop may have the bit missing that keeps the latch in it's place.,
Having lived with our new T5 SE since the beginning of October I can honestly say that it is a superbly designed package. However since picking it up there has been one very minor but increasingly irritating design issue.

Every time that my wife and I go to put on our seat belts we have to ferret around at floor level to find the retched seat belt buckle. Why? On every car I have ever owned the buckle is where you would expect to find it, somewhere near your left or right sholder depending on which side you are sitting. It it just our Cali or does everyones have this feature? Or has something to retain the buckle in the requied position been left off?

Sorry, I know its only a minor issue but I am finding myself getting more and more irritated by it every time I use the seat belt.
The Clip, as shown in the photo can move downwards. I just add a small dab of Superglue to keep it in place.
mine had worked loose and slipped down
Thank you all for your answers.

I have just had a look and discovered the vital clip. I moved it to the top to support the buckle and it promptly started making its way to bottom again. So I'd better get the super glue out and fix it in place.

I am feeling a bit silly now as I should have taken a closer look in the first place. It always surprises me how annoying little things like this can be.

Others have also told me that I might have a bit missing!
Thank you all for your answers.

I have just had a look and discovered the vital clip. I moved it to the top to support the buckle and it promptly started making its way to bottom again. So I'd better get the super glue out and fix it in place.

I am feeling a bit silly now as I should have taken a closer look in the first place. It always surprises me how annoying little things like this can be.

Others have also told me that I might have a bit missing!
We all have bits missing occasionally and it requires someone to find them. I know lots of daft questions
Thank you all for your answers.

I have just had a look and discovered the vital clip. I moved it to the top to support the buckle and it promptly started making its way to bottom again. So I'd better get the super glue out and fix it in place.

I am feeling a bit silly now as I should have taken a closer look in the first place. It always surprises me how annoying little things like this can be.

Others have also told me that I might have a bit missing!

Your not silly but just unaware of something, you asked the question & got the answer!

Problem resolved . I took our beach back to dealer yesterday as half the interior lights & a 12v socket wasn't working! They changed the fuse
Our seat belts spring back in so quick I worry they will smash the window :shocked
My biggest frustration with the seatbelt is that sometimes they end up inside the arm rests and sometimes outside - just don't know where I'm up to! 1st world problems :)
My biggest frustration with the seatbelt is that sometimes they end up inside the arm rests and sometimes outside - just don't know where I'm up to! 1st world problems :)

Removing the arm rest solves that problem :eek:

VW California Club
