James Malone
On a return trip from Margate to Birmingham yesterday, myself and my partner decided we'd had enough travelling for one day so decided to park up for the night in an Parking lay-by on the A404 between Maidenhead and High Wycombe. It was 2100 hrs and we were approximately half way home. There were other vehicles parked in the rest area so we considered this area to be safe.
Around 1-30 am a tap on the side of the van woke us. We gingerly raised the blind on the o/s sliding door to be confrounted by a dark coloured vehicle parked along us with 4 burly males inside. I opened the sliding window by the minimum amount and enquired what they wanted. The male sitting in the front passenger seat said that they were Police and asked what we were doing there. We said we were resting for the night and would be continuing our journey at first light. He said he wanted to check the van. He proceeded to make a ficticious radio communication to control, quoting several phonetic letters which made the message sound very authentic. Torches which were held by these bogus officers were directed in our faces to dazzle and confuse.
I asked to see Identification.
At this point they became nasty. The driver shouted to his passenger in the front to "get in there" and subseqently tried to open the drivers door by the handle. I rapidly closed and secured the open window Luckily we'd locked all doors before we retired earlier.
Fortunately, it appears that were opportunists and didn't hang around when they realised their scam hadn't worked.
Our T6 is less than 2 months old and cost over £55000.
I am dismayed to discover that such an expensive camper can be produced without any form of panic alarm which could be opperated from the inside potentially notifying other potential victims or summoning help whilst creating noise/flashing headlights and disturbance that the car thief hates.
As you can imagine, the episode was extremely shocking but the worst part was not being able to sound an alarm or ceate any noise. I attempted to sound the vehicle horn but this only works with the engine running.
Any thoughts or ideas would be very welcome.
Apologies for the spelling.
On a return trip from Margate to Birmingham yesterday, myself and my partner decided we'd had enough travelling for one day so decided to park up for the night in an Parking lay-by on the A404 between Maidenhead and High Wycombe. It was 2100 hrs and we were approximately half way home. There were other vehicles parked in the rest area so we considered this area to be safe.
Around 1-30 am a tap on the side of the van woke us. We gingerly raised the blind on the o/s sliding door to be confrounted by a dark coloured vehicle parked along us with 4 burly males inside. I opened the sliding window by the minimum amount and enquired what they wanted. The male sitting in the front passenger seat said that they were Police and asked what we were doing there. We said we were resting for the night and would be continuing our journey at first light. He said he wanted to check the van. He proceeded to make a ficticious radio communication to control, quoting several phonetic letters which made the message sound very authentic. Torches which were held by these bogus officers were directed in our faces to dazzle and confuse.
I asked to see Identification.
At this point they became nasty. The driver shouted to his passenger in the front to "get in there" and subseqently tried to open the drivers door by the handle. I rapidly closed and secured the open window Luckily we'd locked all doors before we retired earlier.
Fortunately, it appears that were opportunists and didn't hang around when they realised their scam hadn't worked.
Our T6 is less than 2 months old and cost over £55000.
I am dismayed to discover that such an expensive camper can be produced without any form of panic alarm which could be opperated from the inside potentially notifying other potential victims or summoning help whilst creating noise/flashing headlights and disturbance that the car thief hates.
As you can imagine, the episode was extremely shocking but the worst part was not being able to sound an alarm or ceate any noise. I attempted to sound the vehicle horn but this only works with the engine running.
Any thoughts or ideas would be very welcome.
Apologies for the spelling.