Cali Collection disappointment

Do we or don't we

Do we or don't we

VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
First of all a huge thanks to all the contributors to this excellent site, back in May we joined the club and after taking into consideration all the advice we placed an order for a new Fortana Red Ocean from Eurovans via DTD. After a couple of false starts, we were to pick up our lovely new van today at 2 pm, we arrived at 1.50 then had to wait until 2.30 because the previous handover had been delayed due to the customer having come down from Sheffield and having had train issues obviously this was not an issue because we were to finally get our new van. We went through the usual form filling and Gap Insurance spiel and were then told they were having an issue with "registering" something due to some network issues but hopefully, this would be sorted soon. The handover went well we took along the club's handover list and everything was present and correct the only 2 issues at this point were that the cleaners preparing the vehicle were a bit overzealous with the cleaning spray so there was overspray on some of the seats and the glass tops and we found a tiny ding in the bodywork below the fuel filler cover. The cleaners were asked to clean up the overspray and the "warranty man" was brought out to look at the ding. We were then informed that they were still having network issues but if we would like to continue looking over the van and maybe have a cup of tea hopefully they would be able to get the vehicle taxed and we could get on our way. At 4.45 we were informed that the issue was with the DVLA site which was "down" and unfortunately we would not be able to leave with our new van. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement. So now we are looking at another 3-hour round trip on Friday:(. It would be interesting to hear if anyone else had any DVLA-related issues picking up their van this afternoon.
Oh god, that's an awful experience. Sounds like some is dealer-specific, some DVLA. But regardless of blame, it's awful that it's marred your experience.

Hope the revised pickup day on Friday is far more positive.

A word of caution - be mindful on the seats; they stain (watermarks) badly. So unless they're miracle workers, i'd recommend to check them over well.
RE paint ding; if it was second hand, part of me would say "It's a camping vehicle; get used to it" - however it's a brand new vehicle that you've not even touched yet. Give them hell if it's not done to a standard you're happy with.

Glass should be easily replaced.

What a rubbish first experience.
First of all a huge thanks to all the contributors to this excellent site, back in May we joined the club and after taking into consideration all the advice we placed an order for a new Fortana Red Ocean from Eurovans via DTD. After a couple of false starts, we were to pick up our lovely new van today at 2 pm, we arrived at 1.50 then had to wait until 2.30 because the previous handover had been delayed due to the customer having come down from Sheffield and having had train issues obviously this was not an issue because we were to finally get our new van. We went through the usual form filling and Gap Insurance spiel and were then told they were having an issue with "registering" something due to some network issues but hopefully, this would be sorted soon. The handover went well we took along the club's handover list and everything was present and correct the only 2 issues at this point were that the cleaners preparing the vehicle were a bit overzealous with the cleaning spray so there was overspray on some of the seats and the glass tops and we found a tiny ding in the bodywork below the fuel filler cover. The cleaners were asked to clean up the overspray and the "warranty man" was brought out to look at the ding. We were then informed that they were still having network issues but if we would like to continue looking over the van and maybe have a cup of tea hopefully they would be able to get the vehicle taxed and we could get on our way. At 4.45 we were informed that the issue was with the DVLA site which was "down" and unfortunately we would not be able to leave with our new van. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement. So now we are looking at another 3-hour round trip on Friday:(. It would be interesting to hear if anyone else had any DVLA-related issues picking up their van this afternoon.
That is unfortunate, but hopefully can be soon forgotten after Friday - unlike some other misfortunes with long term consequences. It does provide you with a second change to check the van over, from other postings it is quite rare for everything to be 100% correct and included. In my case I had (from memory) the following missings:
Wheel nut caps
Magnetic front window blinds
First aid kit
Warning triangle
Door waste bin

I found a 2m telescopic ladder (£40 EBay) useful for checking the roof (both up and down). Checking the bellows is an interesting one. @Kayleigh had done some forensic testin/reporting. I think I might have taken a large empty garden sprayer and found a water supply at the garage and followed his lead so as to get the almost inevitable defect recorded.

On this last point I still think the best solution is for owners of the new roof to collectively lobby for the previous single skin fabric as if VW would re-establish that production it would be the one dependable and readily available solution - but apart from the question of whether VW would do this I sense few MY2023 owners seem to like that suggestion.
First of all a huge thanks to all the contributors to this excellent site, back in May we joined the club and after taking into consideration all the advice we placed an order for a new Fortana Red Ocean from Eurovans via DTD. After a couple of false starts, we were to pick up our lovely new van today at 2 pm, we arrived at 1.50 then had to wait until 2.30 because the previous handover had been delayed due to the customer having come down from Sheffield and having had train issues obviously this was not an issue because we were to finally get our new van. We went through the usual form filling and Gap Insurance spiel and were then told they were having an issue with "registering" something due to some network issues but hopefully, this would be sorted soon. The handover went well we took along the club's handover list and everything was present and correct the only 2 issues at this point were that the cleaners preparing the vehicle were a bit overzealous with the cleaning spray so there was overspray on some of the seats and the glass tops and we found a tiny ding in the bodywork below the fuel filler cover. The cleaners were asked to clean up the overspray and the "warranty man" was brought out to look at the ding. We were then informed that they were still having network issues but if we would like to continue looking over the van and maybe have a cup of tea hopefully they would be able to get the vehicle taxed and we could get on our way. At 4.45 we were informed that the issue was with the DVLA site which was "down" and unfortunately we would not be able to leave with our new van. To say we were disappointed would be an understatement. So now we are looking at another 3-hour round trip on Friday:(. It would be interesting to hear if anyone else had any DVLA-related issues picking up their van this afternoon.
Me! - and thank you for your understanding as I am the 'delayed arrival from Sheffield'. I was due to collect on Tuesday 19th and got a call from Eurovans as I stood on the platform in Sheffield to say that there was a problem and they couldn't tax the van. It took until the 26th for VW AG to resolve the issue (described as missing emissions data! required for first registration/tax). Eurovans said they had several vans with this problem.

In my case, as the delay became longer and Eurovans already had my money, I proposed they return my money until the van was available or accept the loan terms I offered (7.5% same as VWFS). This mutated into a full tank of diesel and another rail ticket to replace the non-refundable original. So glad I spec'ed the 80L tank :)

Eurovans mentioned another customer had traveled down from Hull last week hoping the DVLA issue would be resolved that day, it wasn't.

So, not sure from your post whether your problem was the same as mine, or was just that the DVLA site was down, but it seems advice would be to check the dealer has been able to tax the van before you leave home. Hope your issue is resolved by Friday.
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Contact DVLA to enquire if the road fund system was available on the day or had an issues at any time during that day ?

I Smell dealer BS at the customers expense !
Shame your pickup was cancelled. I picked up from Eurovans Monday and TBH it all went super smooth (even the trains! 4 of them!). No administration issues, no van issues, all accessories Etc. Unfortunately these type of issues can and do happen at any garage (I have had issues in the past with cars).

Hope everything goes smoothly for you on Friday!
Thanks everyone for your encouragement, we have had confirmation today that our van is ready for collection and everything is in order, they say they have sorted out the tiny ding in the bodywork and filled the tank up with fuel as an apology for the wasted journey yesterday. I will let you know how we get on tomorrow hopefully we will finally get our Cali home.
Contact DVLA to enquire if the road fund system was available on the day or had an issues at any time during that day ?

I Smell dealer BS at the customers expense !
We did have a look online while we were waiting and there was no mention of any issues with the site so I think your last statement is probably correct.:(
Me! - and thank you for your understanding as I am the 'delayed arrival from Sheffield'. I was due to collect on Tuesday 19th and got a call from Eurovans as I stood on the platform in Sheffield to say that there was a problem and they couldn't tax the van. It took until the 26th for VW AG to resolve the issue (described as missing emissions data! required for first registration/tax). Eurovans said they had several vans with this problem.

In my case, as the delay became longer and Eurovans already had my money, I proposed they return my money until the van was available or accept the loan terms I offered (7.5% same as VWFS). This mutated into a full tank of diesel and another rail ticket to replace the non-refundable original. So glad I spec'ed the 80L tank :)

Eurovans mentioned another customer had traveled down from Hull last week hoping the DVLA issue would be resolved that day, it wasn't.

So, not sure from your post whether your problem was the same as mine, or was just that the DVLA site was down, but it seems advice would be to check the dealer has been able to tax the van before you leave home. Hope your issue is resolved by Friday.
I have to ask what did you think of the positioning of our vans while the handover was taking place? For anyone not familiar with Eurovans they share their entrance with an adjacent petrol station both our vans were basically parked on this entrance so while we were looking over them there were cars and vans sweeping past us some of the larger ones getting quite close I was not impressed.
We did have a look online while we were waiting and there was no mention of any issues with the site so I think your last statement is probably correct.:(
Dealers use a different DVLA Portal to the general public for first registration.
DVLA have been having some problems over the past 7 days but not with the Public Road Tax portal.
We did have a look online while we were waiting and there was no mention of any issues with the site so I think your last statement is probably correct.:(
Unfortunately it was an issue with the registering system which is a separate system to the DVLA it was incredibly frustrating and continued yesterday but luckily it did come up and work.

Unfortunately this was out of the dealers hands, and was a global Volkswagen and Audi Group issue.
Unfortunately it was an issue with the registering system which is a separate system to the DVLA it was incredibly frustrating and continued yesterday but luckily it did come up and work.

Unfortunately this was out of the dealers hands, and was a global Volkswagen and Audi Group issue.
Some one not paid the bill :Iamsorry
I have to ask what did you think of the positioning of our vans while the handover was taking place? For anyone not familiar with Eurovans they share their entrance with an adjacent petrol station both our vans were basically parked on this entrance so while we were looking over them there were cars and vans sweeping past us some of the larger ones getting quite close I was not impressed.
Agreed, not the best, although I think you were more in the firing line than I was. The fuel fumes wafting over from the filling station did rather spoil the new van sniff test. But once you have your van home, still with a nearly full fuel tank, hopefully the exasperation of the last couple of days will quickly fade.
EuroVans are a very busy, higher turnover but compact dealership - space is not a strong point and there’s not a great deal they can do about that. If it makes you feel better, I got blocked in when I was ready to leave by a low loader and had to wait for it to move
I appreciate there are the odd occasions where situations are out of the dealers hands, but sadly most of the time it's lack of foresight of the dealer. I traveled 200 miles to collect a new Range Rover in January, half an hour before I got a call asking if I'd left already (they knew I was coming from Shropshire!!!!) to say that they were having issues with finishing the pre delivery check. They asked me to come back in a few days, which I flatly refused and told them they had to deliver it which they agreed to. But then my handover took all of 2 mins as he wanted to just get away. The fundamental problem with dealerships is sales people are only paid on selling cars so they find handovers a chore.

I've got to pick up my new Cali from Eurovans later this year, and I wouldn't be happy if my vehicle isn't ready. For those owners who've bought new, do VW send out a satisfaction questionnaire after purchase? I know Land Rover do, which the dealers can gain or lose bonus on depending on the satisfaction rating?
Unfortunately it was an issue with the registering system which is a separate system to the DVLA it was incredibly frustrating and continued yesterday but luckily it did come up and work.

Unfortunately this was out of the dealers hands, and was a global Volkswagen and Audi Group issue.
Thanks Tom that makes me feel much better, interestingly when we picked up the van yesterday we had to see a different salesperson and he explained the issue in the same way as you, it's a shame the previous guy felt it necessary to blame the DVLA rather than just explain the situation as it actually was. Thanks again.
All this stuff makes me happy that both times we have bought a second-hand van, from Bilbo's. Each time we had a really thorough handover lasting about an hour. If there are one or two minor scratches or marks, so what? There'll soon be a few more, and I don't fancy having to take the van back to the dealers over and over to claim things under warranty.

VW California Club
