Canopy torn by rough edge on mechanism



T5 SE 180
Our new to us 64 plate T5 has 2 crescent shaped tears 7mm long in the side of the canopy. We are positive that we did not trap the canopy when closing the top. On examination the side bar which effected the damage has a rough edge next to the canopy side. Looking at the other side there is a rounded and not square edge closest to the canopy which leads me to suppose that these are two identical parts and they should have been handed I.e. Left and right handed giving rounded edges to both sides closest to the canopy instead of both being right handed.

All we can assume is they have used the same part for both sides. Does anyone have any knowledge of this?
Hi and welcome on your first post ,
i assume this could be possible as the canvas indeed can touch the mecanism in windy conditions flappering against the arms.
A thing to check for all of us , thanks for informing us.
As for your damadge you could try claim warrenty ?
In the past there were reports of canvasses getting trapped in the show room before they were delivered. They were delivered torn.
I've found that my canvas folds more neatly and effectively since I fitted the elastic cord bought through this forum.