it is your own choice and for you each as an individual to work out the benefits of joining a large leisure industry provider.
Quite honestly just thinking "M6 Toll" is myopic.
Think 2,300 cl's, club sites with formulaic but totally reliable facilities, sometimes, but only sometimes, incredible discounts on crossing the channel, great deals on insurance and of course, back to square one, saving a fortune, if you use it, on the M6 toll.
Don't be myopic ... £51 quid, what's in it for me right now". You never know. I and my Sister suffered sheer hell three days ago when on a relaxed trip to see Mum 300 miles away it all went pear shape whilst on a CAMC site atCirencester and news that Mum might peg it in 48 hours.
Frankly the site staff were brilliant with what happened next. I am not going into details, too boring, but for £51 quid I get my membership repaid over and over again.