Help! T4 broke down (diesel injector) in Switzerland very expensive quote



T4 Hightop
We are from New Zealand travelling around Europe in a 1991 T4 Transporter Campervan 2.4D 57kW. It broke down last week in Switzerland, after a $550CHF ($1CHF ~= $1USD) tow truck and $600CHF to diagnose, we just got a quote saying we need a $2800CHF "pump of diesel" (2 weeks shipping!) + $??? for installation GST and whatever else.
The Van is at a VW service centre as they were the only mechanic who could even look at it within a week (half the mechanics close down in August and the other half are swamped). It is also illegal to fix your own car in Switzerland!!
We were driving down a gentle slope after driving for ~3km when the Van lost all power and stalled. 1/4 tank gas remaining and the engine still cranks fine. I checked the fuses, solenoid was clicking and assumed it might be the fuel pump (relay, wiring or pump).
However I'm assuming (given the cost) the "pump of diesel" they're referring to must be the whole diesel injector pump! I've asked for more details..
Do diesel injector pumps just catastrophically fail like this and need to be replaced (300,000km)?
Wouldn't we have heard something?
I assume the engine wouldn't crank very well if it completely seized?
We're thinking about taking it to a get a second opinion somewhere else but even that will be difficult considering all the mechanics are so busy, we're even considering getting it towed to another country (Italy is close) where I could legally investigate further, and mechanics might be cheaper and less busy...
Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated!
Although that is very bad luck, it’s all part of the adventure to look back on one day...
I suppose it’s possible for any part to fail, and your van is a high mileage. Maybe try posting on the T4 forum too.
If you get the P/N of the pump, you may be able to source a reconditioned or salvaged one cheaper?

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Not sure if same issue, but we used to have T4 1996 1.9td. During a normal service (170k miles) I asked for the cold start cable to be replaced. Had a call from our regular mechanic who said he must have disturbed the diesel pump during the fitting, resulting in a leak (small rubber seal had perished). Couldn’t source an exchange unit so had it rebuilt. Cost to strip and rebuild diesel pump was approx £250 at a local marine diesel specialist. Same day service.
Update from mechanic:
  • When you say “pump of diesel is broken” - do you mean the fuel pump (located under the driver’s seat in the fuel tank) or the diesel injection pump (located in the engine bay)?
    Diesel injection pump in the engine
  • Did you check the fuel pump is at the correct pressure and that the diesel injection pump timing belt is positioned correctly?
    Pressure is too low. Tax time checked & start of delivery has been discontinued
  • If the problem is the diesel injection pump:
    • What exactly in the pump is broken?
      Pump puts too little pressure
    • Does the entire pump need replacing, or just a component?
      There is no component, therefore the pump has to be exchanged
    • Is it possible to source a second hand part (diesel injection pump)?
      If a pump is available on the market, then yes ....
  • When you say “I don’t know if this pump mesh with the car” do that mean you’re unsure if it’s the correct part? We can’t order a Fr. 2,800.- part without knowing if it’s the correct part!
    Since no original part is available, unfortunately can not be confirmed whether the foreign part is correct & fits
  • Where would the part be delivered from, 2 weeks shipping sounds excessive?
    From Switzerland
Cost to strip and rebuild diesel pump was approx £250 at a local marine diesel specialist. Same day service.
This is much more what I thought would happen when the injector pump breaks down!
Maybe we need to find a diesel specialist...
This is much more what I thought would happen when the injector pump breaks down!
Maybe we need to find a diesel specialist...

Replacing a seal to fix a leak is not really the same as fixing a worn out pump.

Your best bet is to get the part number off the old pump, search online for a used replacement providing it’s much cheaper, and try to get it fitted by a someone who has done it before, but is cheaper labour than the dealer. It’s probably worth taking the slow time to sort it out as the costs are so high to do it quickly.

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Seems there are plenty of refurb ones on eBay UK. You’d need to return the existing pump but they can apparently get you one within 3-5days -
Cheers @mrcheesbrough, you're a legend!
That looks like the exact part for like a 10th the price with much faster shipping!
I've sent the link to the mechanic and asked for a quote for installation, but we will still probably still shop around for cheaper labour as @Lightning suggested
Ouch! Bad luck! Switzerland is expensive with everything, most expensive place on the continent to get a breakdown!

You might consider asking a VW centre in the South of Germany to pick up your van, and do the repairs there. Much more VW's around there, cheaper labour, more exchange parts around, etc... Try for refurbished parts. I see several T4 injection pumps there.
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Ended up just getting VW shop to install the diesel injector pump we ordered. Just got an update from mechanic that it's still not going:
"Diesel pump we have installed. Engine does not start. Have to see if it is due to the pump or otherwise a problem. Contact me as soon as I know more."​
I'm guessing this was just a really expensive misdiagnosis.
Van has been there for 17 days now
Further update from mechanic, he believes the replacement deisel injector pump is faulty...?
"According to our diagnosis, the pump which was brought to us is defective. What is the next procedure? Send back, order a new one... Wait for your answer. Will report me on Monday because we close at 17:00. Have a nice Weekend."​

Thoughts on two pumps being faulty?
It is possible that the two are faulty. I wonder if its possible to find a diesel service workshop who can test the pump on the bench before its fitted to your van?
@Padraic It's difficult as we're not really in a position to do this. We are currently biding our time in Italy (much cheaper than Switzerland) waiting for some positive news.
We assume the eBay seller has bench tested the replacement pump, they have 99.9% positive feedback and have sold 24 of this very pump. I have requested a replacement pump and given them the mechanics details, so at the moment we're waiting on their reply.
I was skeptical when they decided this part needed replacing, now asking for a second replacement part seems ludicrous.
I feel like we need to take it to a deisel specialist, but we are already so vested in this mechanic and being in a foreign (limited English speaking) country makes it so much harder..
@Padraic It's difficult as we're not really in a position to do this. We are currently biding our time in Italy (much cheaper than Switzerland) waiting for some positive news.
We assume the eBay seller has bench tested the replacement pump, they have 99.9% positive feedback and have sold 24 of this very pump. I have requested a replacement pump and given them the mechanics details, so at the moment we're waiting on their reply.
I was skeptical when they decided this part needed replacing, now asking for a second replacement part seems ludicrous.
I feel like we need to take it to a deisel specialist, but we are already so vested in this mechanic and being in a foreign (limited English speaking) country makes it so much harder..
Yes I understand. Do you have breakdown cover or do you have to pay all the bills yourself?
Yes I understand. Do you have breakdown cover or do you have to pay all the bills yourself?
We brought the van through a private party who registered and insured the vehicle for us (since those require an EU address). Unfortunately it's only 3rd party insurance with no breakdown cover, so yes we will have to pay the bill :(
Have you asked for help here ? They are more interested in the mechanicals whereas we are more camper equipment oriented.
We brought the van through a private party who registered and insured the vehicle for us (since those require an EU address). Unfortunately it's only 3rd party insurance with no breakdown cover, so yes we will have to pay the bill :(
I understand, its so difficult to get any decent breakdown cover unless you are living in a EU country.
I’m sure he’s probably tested the fuel cut-off relay? But it may be worth checking. This is and excellent post on fault checking the 2.4d fuel system written by our very own @sidepod - Fuel Injection - Fault diagnosis

It’s always easy to assume the worst with an old vehicle but they’re much simpler and more generally robust than a modern highly strung TDi so it may be that he’s missed the obvious.

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