VIP Member
Hi all,
I'm still trying to settle on an insurer for my Beach (after having terrible quotes from Safeguard and Adrain Flux and then expensive quotes from Comfort and Caravan Club). However I think I've decided that I do want to take out GAP insurance and was wondering if anyone could recommend what amount as I really have no idea! I'd never heard of GAP insurance before I joined this site so it's all new to me - really appreciate the advice of you wise experienced Cali owners!
The list price of the Beach I'm getting (with all the options added on) is £52,000
I'm paying £41,000 because it's a 3 month old ex-demonstrator and will have approx 2000 miles on it
- I think I'd want GAP insurance for 4 years so how much is it likely to depreciate in the 4 years (or how little are the insurance company likely to value it at after 4 years) and therefore how much cover do I need?
- The ALA site asks for the purchase price but should I state the list price rather than the actual purchase price? I think I've got a pretty hefty discount and unlikely to repeat that again but is the figure I enter for the value even relevant or is it just the maximum claim amount that matters?
- ALA do 'back to invoice' or 'vehicle replacement' which is slightly more expensive. I guess back to invoice would ensure I get £41,000 back in total from both insurers but the vehicle replacement would get me a three month old California of the same spec whatever that cost - which I'd think is likely to be at least a few thousand more than the invoice amount
- if I go for 'vehicle replacement' then given its a three month old ex demonstrator does that mean I could be stuck waiting for the right one to come up, or would they just give me the value of one and I'd use the money to buy what I want? Basically is it better not to do this option because its an ex demo or does it not make a difference?
I'm still trying to settle on an insurer for my Beach (after having terrible quotes from Safeguard and Adrain Flux and then expensive quotes from Comfort and Caravan Club). However I think I've decided that I do want to take out GAP insurance and was wondering if anyone could recommend what amount as I really have no idea! I'd never heard of GAP insurance before I joined this site so it's all new to me - really appreciate the advice of you wise experienced Cali owners!
The list price of the Beach I'm getting (with all the options added on) is £52,000
I'm paying £41,000 because it's a 3 month old ex-demonstrator and will have approx 2000 miles on it
- I think I'd want GAP insurance for 4 years so how much is it likely to depreciate in the 4 years (or how little are the insurance company likely to value it at after 4 years) and therefore how much cover do I need?
- The ALA site asks for the purchase price but should I state the list price rather than the actual purchase price? I think I've got a pretty hefty discount and unlikely to repeat that again but is the figure I enter for the value even relevant or is it just the maximum claim amount that matters?
- ALA do 'back to invoice' or 'vehicle replacement' which is slightly more expensive. I guess back to invoice would ensure I get £41,000 back in total from both insurers but the vehicle replacement would get me a three month old California of the same spec whatever that cost - which I'd think is likely to be at least a few thousand more than the invoice amount
- if I go for 'vehicle replacement' then given its a three month old ex demonstrator does that mean I could be stuck waiting for the right one to come up, or would they just give me the value of one and I'd use the money to buy what I want? Basically is it better not to do this option because its an ex demo or does it not make a difference?