In pursuit of Comfortable downstairs sleeping arrangements



VIP Member
After you lot on here, have scared the living daylights out of Bev and me, over the roof Bellows! either leaking in the rain when erected, rotting the bedding if not Thoroughly dried out after closing! or is likely to get trapped in the hydraulic arm mechanism inducing holes to appear near the arms? or simply wrecking the canvas if it bellows out when shutting on a windy day, ;) Ha Ha
I've decided our nocturnal activities will be spent downstairs, especially if there is a slightest whiff of rain, when setting up camp, so most probably will leave it to hotter climes when visiting overseas.

So my question is;
Considering the downstairs bedding arrangements, seem lets say an acquired exercise, in masochistic tendencies , especially since we have leather, I'm thinking of splashing out on some sort of 'Stowaway mattress 'which may fold away on the back shelf maybe.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Also why I'm here we've got a 'border collie' bitch, which will accompany us on our travels, and I think the rear mattress behind the rear seat will be a ideal place for her (rose), but considering it's likely to get rather muddy occasionally' is their some sort of 'cover' that hopefully is waterproof, which can slip over the rear cushion, Making rose a rather luxury' Pooch' bed, in the process for the anticipated long journeys ahead.
Again I will be much obliged if someone can point me in the right direction over this as well. :thanks

Rosey Dog Scotland.jpg
Re: In pursuit of Comfortable downstairs sleeping arrangemen

Not slept in ours yet but might be useful on the dog front:

We remove the rear shelf/metal bit and the cushion for general use and stick the hound (black lab) in a waterproof bed. ... -bed-30819

When we do camp, we plan to either stow that rear section somewhere or more likely stick the hound in the main living area but strictly in her bed. The day a pet dog of ours sleeps in our own bed is the day I stick spinners on the wheels and UV lights under the sides.

There are loads of mattress topper options available - for us the bed is fine - we're used to sleeping on carry mats/thermarests.
Re: In pursuit of Comfortable downstairs sleeping arrangemen


Have a look at the INKA car seat covers on ebay. They manufacture seat covers for VW and also do their own branded seat covers which also include the roof mattresses and the rear cushion cover downstairs. I have them all and can thoroughly recommend them. Another plus is if you become a VIP member you can get a discount from them.
Re: In pursuit of Comfortable downstairs sleeping arrangemen

We've always camped wild generally, in tents and karamats were the order of the day.
 Myself always had a good nights sleep on those thin yellow mats, even in the snow, and they are not too bad at keeping even the cold at Bay, as well, in those conditions, 
Bev my partner, has always moaned that they hurt her hips etc, and are not very comfortable at all, for her, 

I have also heard people commenting on here, saying that the downstairs fold-out bed is rather uncomfortable, so we always considered buying a  'topper' mattress, for Bev's sake,  I'm quite aware that  there is a myriad of them on market, 
In a way, that's the problem, knowing the ones to choose, and also to fold away afterwards, because space is a premium in the California, as we all probably know, 
I just wanted to know peoples personal views on these,

The question of dogs in California's raises another question, of what do you do with  'The hound,' when sleeping.

 Not really wanting her scratching holes in the seats, so I suppose the only place she can go is the front footwells, on her sleeping mat? Unless someone has a better idea, and I don't really want her to sleep on the mattress, waking up, with a mouth full of dog hair!
I personally have no hangups with dogs on the beds, as long as it isn't a dog like a bloodhound, slobbering everywhere, anyway I suppose we will be in sleeping bags.

Theres loads of two Legged 'old dogs' out there that I wouldn't even want setting foot inside our California, let alone the bed! But perhaps that's just me being prejudiced . In the same way as some people hate Bling... Ha


VW California Club
