John Mcshea
VIP Member
Hello camper people! Meet Ketchup-the van. She’s a 1995 Westfalia cali coach. This pic is from Slovenia where we travelled in her from Devon on our first trip with her. Currently we are down in Croatia amongst the hills of Buzet. Ketchup-the van looks like she came straight out of the factory despite her 24 years not, a dent scratch or flake of rust! She does however have a tennis ball sized hole in her engine casting now (!) but the Croatian people have been very helpful and friendly in helping us, in fact some of the highlights of our trip have come about as a result and we have experienced some wonderful hospitality and friendship. Ketchup is in good hands and will be fine, she just needs a quick heart transplant. I could do with some advice about that actually but will open a thread in the appropriate forum. See you on the roads maybe....
