Kitchen table leg catch



VIP Member
Leeds, UK
T6.1 Ocean 150
Hi, I have a T6.1 Ocean and the kitchen table is rattling. Upon investigation, I think it's the clip that holds the leg tightly that's not 'clicking in' and/or working itself loose. I'm searching like mad but, cannot find any advice on how to fix/replace the leg clip. Anyone? Thanks in advance...
I’ve got the same problem, the small black catch no longer engages with the leg. I’ve taken it to pieces and it’s not clear why the leg appears to be too short to reach the catch. I stuck some industrial Velcro on the leg and table and that fixed it in place but it still rattled so now I’ve put a serviette into the mechanism and it’s quiet at last. Not elegant but it works.
Brought the van back to the dealer to have them fix that very issue. Waiting to hear back on whether the catch can be replaced or if the whole table has to be replaced. But it definitely needs fixed. The catch is so loose, the leg just falls off when we unfold it. It only worked for about a year before the leg started to fall off and rattle.
Brought the van back to the dealer to have them fix that very issue. Waiting to hear back on whether the catch can be replaced or if the whole table has to be replaced. But it definitely needs fixed. The catch is so loose, the leg just falls off when we unfold it. It only worked for about a year before the leg started to fall off and rattle.
Dealer ended up replacing the whole table. Can’t replace just the catch apparently.

Slowly but surely, I’m getting a brand new van bit by bit :)
I had the same issue out of warranty. Simple fix. I used something similar to this
Dealer ended up replacing the whole table. Can’t replace just the catch apparently.

Slowly but surely, I’m getting a brand new van bit by bit :)
Just went for our first long trip with the new table and OMG the relief. You completely forget how quiet the California is when you don’t have a rattling table leg at the back.
We've had the rattling table a few times, but in our case I tracked it down to the fact that when put away, sometimes the bottom location peg doesn't locate correctly.

The trick is to gently push the bottom of the table towards the units when sliding it back into the storage position.

Not related to the leg clip issue above, but I thought I would mention it if anyone does have a rattling table. Worth checking this first.

VW California Club
