Main door fly screen

Moonlight Motel

Moonlight Motel

Dublin, Ireland
Grand California 680
Am in need of help.

Currently travelling along coast of Spain and our main door fly screen has collapsed. The cord that runs along the top, bottom and through the middle of the netting has snapped.

Has anyone had this problem or has anyone had to dismantle or remove the fly screen frame. Will be doing something temporary this evening but will have to fix in the morning

Thanks very much
Sadly it’s quite a major job we had the same trouble travelling the coast of Spain, not something you can really do while travelling, we used Kevlar Braided Line not a straight forward job but doable
It was over a year ago I did ours but it was pretty straight forward to strip down, most panels on the side and top are just Velcro on, then just small metal brackets hold to the body also 2 hidden screws in the bottom runner hard to see through the dust protector pile, hardest bit was threading the new cable if I remember I could not strip completely down as it is curved took a lot of patience.
It was over a year ago I did ours but it was pretty straight forward to strip down, most panels on the side and top are just Velcro on, then just small metal brackets hold to the body also 2 hidden screws in the bottom runner hard to see through the dust protector pile, hardest bit was threading the new cable if I remember I could not strip completely down as it is curved took a lot of patience.
Thanks for the advice. Had a quick look again this morning and thought the same. The hardest part will
Be to work out the course for tge cord. We are in our last week of an 18 week trip before the van goes into storage in Valencia for the winter so would be nice to have it fixed before then
Thanks again
Well after over four hours the fly screen is fixed. Markicp was right about needing a lot of patience. There was plenty to dismantle to get at the cable. But we now have a very smooth sliding screen again with a very subtle red cable.
Same happened to our flyscreen. Booked in for warranty repair and having to leave it with them for a couple of days as its a big job according to VW.

Suspect it will be something I end up doing myself once its out of warranty and happens again!
Same happened to our flyscreen. Booked in for warranty repair and having to leave it with them for a couple of days as its a big job according to VW.

Suspect it will be something I end up doing myself once its out of warranty and happens again!
Lucky it is under warranty but it is a straight forward if time consuming job. A logical and step by step approach will get it done with a small number of tools. The right cord and cord tension is the most important thing at the end
Well after over four hours the fly screen is fixed. Markicp was right about needing a lot of patience. There was plenty to dismantle to get at the cable. But we now have a very smooth sliding screen again with a very subtle red cable.
Hi - this has just happened to me! can I ask what strength/type of line you used to do your repair? Many thanks
Hi - this has just happened to me! can I ask what strength/type of line you used to do your repair? Many thanks
Only seeing this post now. As I said in the other post we could only get a slightly thicker cord which worked fine. Not sure of the strength as we just bought it in a small Spanish hardware store. And we could only get the cord in red, but that actually looks kind of good. Apparently the cord used on kite surfers works very well if you could get that? But as I said the thicker cord works well so far. Our GC is in storage in Valencia for the winter so unfortunately I can’t check the specs of the cord
Hope you get it sorted
Only seeing this post now. As I said in the other post we could only get a slightly thicker cord which worked fine. Not sure of the strength as we just bought it in a small Spanish hardware store. And we could only get the cord in red, but that actually looks kind of good. Apparently the cord used on kite surfers works very well if you could get that? But as I said the thicker cord works well so far. Our GC is in storage in Valencia for the winter so unfortunately I can’t check the specs of the cord
Hope you get it sorted
Thanks John - I have just ordered some kite cord from Amazon. Appreciate your follow up! Thanks, Dave
Most welcome Dave. Good luck and let us know how you get on it if you have any questions when you have half your van dismantled on the floor
John! You are not painting a very pleasant picture! I can barely change a light bulb!!!
If you check my post and click on the Kevlar braided line it will take you Amazon more than you need but very strong
If you check my post and click on the Kevlar braided line it will take you Amazon more than you need but very strong
Thanks, I ordered it yesterday and arrived today! I cannot promise that I’ll attempt to fix it as quick as I did to order the braided line!!

If anybody with time on their hands wants a few days pitched on our flat drive with water/EHU in the Lincolnshire Wolds with the lovely market town of Louth 2 miles away in payment to fix our fly screen door, just let me know, I’ll even cook you a bbq or pizza!!! ;-)
Thanks, I ordered it yesterday and arrived today! I cannot promise that I’ll attempt to fix it as quick as I did to order the braided line!!

If anybody with time on their hands wants a few days pitched on our flat drive with water/EHU in the Lincolnshire Wolds with the lovely market town of Louth 2 miles away in payment to fix our fly screen door, just let me know, I’ll even cook you a bbq or pizza!!! ;-)
Hi Mark

just wondering how you got on with your fly screen. Hopefully all done and working well again

Hi Mark

just wondering how you got on with your fly screen. Hopefully all done and working well again

Hi John!

I haven’t tackled it yet! I’m waiting for a clear, mild day on a weekend, due to working in the week. To be honest I’m really not looking forward to it!
I will send an update when I pluck up the courage……as mentioned previously, I really can barely change a light bulb!
Hi John!

I haven’t tackled it yet! I’m waiting for a clear, mild day on a weekend, due to working in the week. To be honest I’m really not looking forward to it!
I will send an update when I pluck up the courage……as mentioned previously, I really can barely change a light bulb!
Dont stress, take your time and you will be fine!!! It isnt as bad as you think. Good luck
Only seeing this post now. As I said in the other post we could only get a slightly thicker cord which worked fine. Not sure of the strength as we just bought it in a small Spanish hardware store. And we could only get the cord in red, but that actually looks kind of good. Apparently the cord used on kite surfers works very well if you could get that? But as I said the thicker cord works well so far. Our GC is in storage in Valencia for the winter so unfortunately I can’t check the specs of the cord
Hope you get it sorted
Hi Moonlight Motel,

Spotted you have your GC is in storage in Valencia would you be able to share the details please looking to do the same next autumn and or winter.

Kind regards

Hi Chris
We found the place on Google Maps, but most of the contact has been through Whatsapp. The contact number is +34 605 34 62 32 and they are called Parking La Cautiva Aldaia Valencia Car Park. Their website is, which is where we made initial contact

We found them really good to deal with. They are friendly and helpful and reasonably priced. We paid €600 from September to April/May.When we parked the van they called a taxi for us. It is close to Valencia and also the airport. They have started the van for us in December to charge the battery and will do it again in Feb/March.

As you can probably guess we were quite happy with them!!!!

How did you get to see our van there?

Hi John
Just spotted your reply.
This sounds brilliant for the Spanish trips we have planned.
Thanks very much for sharing the information greatly appreciated.
Hope you have a great trip.

Wirral Chris

VW California Club
