New VW T5 Mag



VIP Member
Yorkshire, UK
For those that like to customise their vans, I spotted a new magazine in WH Smith "VW Bus".
Caters for T4's and T5's. be interesting to see how it develops over time.

PS My ACSI books arrived this morning, time to start planning next years European tour :D


Cover van from Iain over at iKustoms... Fantastic work... Bodywork on my Bay and colour coding of the inserts on my cali. Top Bloke, he's passionate about the quality of his work.
I shall look out for this as it's about time there was a mag that catered more for T4's & T5's......Is this the 1st issue :?:
Arggh......can't find it anywhere :-(

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
:D SUCCESS :D ......found a copy in Lancaster, quite impressed and it's good to see a magazine catering for the modern at last :cool:
Did they caharge postage 'Barryjm'?......might online order in future as it was not easy to find!
No p&p; just the £4.25 cover price.
Hi all
Yes the new mag is the sister to Camper and Commercial and will alternate bi monthly with it (but as its own title with own identity).
You can find out more on
It got to the point where T4 and T5 needed their in depth own coverage so here you all are with a mag catering for your specific interests
Co-incidentally the reason why I have joined this forum is cos in a few short days I take possession of our brand new Cali :lol: after 34 years with the same Split it was time to do something comfort :shock:
so looks like morer cali stuff in both mags ;)
better intro myself on the right thread now...
Editor VW Camper and Commercial
Thanks for the link. I've just ordered one.
Hello I am the editor of the new magazine VWBus most people call me jimmer. It is nice to see some positive comments towards it. The first issue has sold more copies than we thought in such a short space of time which is great news. Some people are struggling to find it in the shops now but if anybody on here would still like a copy if you tell me what area you live I can tell you which shops still have it in stock.

We will be releasing the date of issue 2 very soon. We could not do this before as we did not know how well it would sell.

I hope to cater for all Transporter owner from a panel vans to California owners. In issue 2 there is a mint T4 California and if room a T5.

If any of you guys/girls have done something a bit different in your vans or been on a great road trip and would like to see it in a magazine please get in touch. You may have made a modification to your van that has made your life easier or simpler if you would like to share it again please email at

I look forward in hearing from some of you
Hi jimmer
Welcome to our forum I have read lots of your posts on the t4/t5 forum
What do you think to our go at it?
I read your magazine last month had to pre order though now all sold out I hear.
It was a great read and about time the t4/t5 had their own magazine keep up the good work.
I think it's great. I never new it existed until David Eccles told me and you are doing a great job. Not easy running a forum with so much going on. Do you advertise anywhere?

welcome to the forum Jimmer, funny you should mention that, I have just PM'd you.

VW California Club
