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T5 Windscreen Washer Supply Pipe Cracked at Bonnet Hinge



VIP Member
T5 SE 174
I'm guessing I'm not the only one to have suffered from this design fault. (Crack due to repeated flexing of the very tight bend) We are off through the tunnel tomorrow. I'm thinking Blu Tack and gaffer tape bandage, or cut it completely and insert a suitable diameter plastic pipe each side of the cut. Does anyone have a proven fix (source for plastic pipe) or advice on replacing the whole pipe?
short term just wrap it in insulation tape or such like, long term there’s e-bay .
Had the same problem last year. Made a temporary bodge by packing ‘black tack’ around the split - similar to blu tack but more adhesive - then wrapping with insulation tape and then, the vital part, reinforcing with small cable ties to stop the pump pressure blowing it all apart. It is still fine after nearly twelve months, so I haven’t bothered to replace it a permanent job.
I'm guessing I'm not the only one to have suffered from this design fault. (Crack due to repeated flexing of the very tight bend) We are off through the tunnel tomorrow. I'm thinking Blu Tack and gaffer tape bandage, or cut it completely and insert a suitable diameter plastic pipe each side of the cut. Does anyone have a proven fix (source for plastic pipe) or advice on replacing the whole pipe?
I wrapped mine about 5 yrs ago. Still holding. Haven't got around to replacing yet.
Applied good electrical insulating tape about 18 months ago and still going strong.
Did mine with insulating (electrician's) tape about a week ago. Will order the ebay kit if it fails. (2 kits are available..... I think I only need the cheaper one).
Brilliant! Many thanks for all the responses.
Anyone have any idea what the wires which take the same route as the water pipe are for?
Asking for a friend... a friend who snipped the wires instead of the pipe when replacing a split section... and it's not to do with the washer jets as they still function; perhaps they are heated and this is the wires to them?
Anyone have any idea what the wires which take the same route as the water pipe are for?
Asking for a friend... a friend who snipped the wires instead of the pipe when replacing a split section... and it's not to do with the washer jets as they still function; perhaps they are heated and this is the wires to them?
Correct. They are heated, or they were in your friend's case.