Top bunk ladder



South west, UK
T5 SE 180
I was wondering if anyone has bought/ used a 2m telescopic ladder for getting up to the top bunk? If so is it worth getting one? How well does it fit in relation to the front seats( when they have been rotated) Looked at the maxxcamp option but it is sooo ridiculously expensive!
We tried one but it was a nuisance in the van and didn't help that much. Better to practice getting up there without anything!
We bought one before we even got the van and have never used it - yet another useless purchase. I just push myself up into the top bunk using the back of the drivers seat - works a treat :)
Thanks for the replies. Won't waste my money there then! I may have to get my vertically challenged spouse a trampoline!
We have only had our Cali a month and he had several nights away but not braved the roof bed, as we thought it was reserved for the young and athletic and our granddaughter.
I decided we WOULD have a go in the privacy of our drive.
This afternoon we approached the task with great determination
Stand facing bed area
One leg on the seat,
Other leg on the back rest of the passenger/driver seat and hoist up using both hands.
No problem, not bad for two 70 year olds who have never been to the gym or jogged!
Female version 5 7 and slim
Male version 5 10 and chunky!
The salesman assured us that the roof would take our weight.

Next challenge is spending the night and female getting up in the early hours for a visit to the porta potti!!

Our plan B was to buy a small collapsible stool from Dunhelm Mill

Good Luck
Agree with the collapsible stool. It has other uses around the California.
I find it easier to rise to top bunk facing forward. Usually the seats will have been rotated by bed-time, so I step on either or both seats, place bum against front of top bunk and hands on either side of rim. Then with minimum arm lift it is easy to get up top. I have the standard 32" legs.

It must be a nuisance to have to stow a ladder in the van, though I agree the shorter campers may have more difficulty. Could you stand on a PortaPotty (if you have one) placed on a seat?
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Thanks for the replies. Won't waste my money there then! I may have to get my vertically challenged spouse a trampoline!

I'm only 5ft 2.5 and I manage it quite easily
Spouse is 5' 0!!! I'm wondering if a poufe may be the answer? Bit worried about bouncing around too much on the heated seats. That said you have given us some great methods to try and the neighbours something to talk about
We bought one before we even got the van and have never used it - yet another useless purchase. I just push myself up into the top bunk using the back of the drivers seat - works a treat :)
Keeps you fit too. And the more times you go to the loo the fitter you get! :D
We have a covered foam pad placed on the seat to help with raising me up a bit and spreading the weight over the heated seat. In the daytime it sits between the front seats to protect the squishy bit of floor.
I have a variety of movements to get myself up and down depending on the seat configuration........none of them are graceful, but they definitely help my flexibility :)
We got a small cheap square beanbag/pouffe from Aldi for about £15. Sits on the backseat when travelling, on the turned round drivers seat when parked up ready for the Up, and is also useful for a lazy backseat passenger to put their feet up!
I'm only 5' and we use a folding aluminium ladder that just fits between the seats
We've got a small, light, telescopic ladder from Maplins you are welcome to have (for a small charitable donation) if you are ever down in the New Forest area.
We've got a small, light, telescopic ladder from Maplins you are welcome to have (for a small charitable donation) if you are ever down in the New Forest area.
Hi there
This sounds good we are not far from the New Forest perhaps you could email me some details like the size of donation and pickup etc that would be great
I got the ladder from the club shop and make a bracket to keep it steady

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