Using the iPad as a satnav



VIP Member
West Sussex
Original post coordinated

We found having an iPad really helpful in the Cali we hired, as we could use it to play music, watch films, browse the web ... and read this forum! (and it fits in the safe nicely)

In case you've got an iPad, or are thinking about getting one for Christmas , I've just found another good use for ours...

Now that the TomTom iPhone app also works with the iPad, I decided to use the iPad as a huge GPS.

I'm using:

TomTom Europe (all of Europe available off-line; same app can be shared between iPhone and iPad; free map updates; optional traffic subscription) - I bought this for 60GBP a year ago, but it's now 80GBP, though smaller maps cost less (price variations can be seen here:

A Bluetooth GPS for our wifi-only iPad 2 (90GBP, as below)

A RouteBuddy Atlas 1:50k LandRanger map of all GB (80GBP with a voucher code, as below) - which can be shared with the OS-X application, but not between iDevices

Adding an external GPS to a wifi-only iPad is cheaper than buying a 3G iPad, doesn't need a contract, and allows you to put the GPS receiver in the windscreen whilst keeping the iPad where you want it.

I haven't tried it in a Cali yet (ours is on order!) so I'm not sure how easy it'll be to mount the iPad, but I'm sure we'll think of something!

Once trivlally Bluetooth-paired, the GPS Just Works with TomTom, RouteBuddy Atlas, Maps etc. I haven't been able to to test it much so far, but am really happy with it.



Dual XGPS150:


Buy in UK for 80GBP: ... eiver.html

Maps and apps:

Whole of GB at 1:50k: plus 1:25k maps - currently with 20% off with code AUTMAPS12 - requires free RouteBuddy Atlas app: ... 61751?mt=8

TomTom Europe: ... 80531?mt=8

VW California Club
