VW Campercenter Amersfoort 7 march technical demo for belgian cali owners



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T5 SE 140
I subscribed to this technical afternoon on saturday 7 march at 13h which is organized by VW campercenter for belgian cali owners. Since they mention we can spread the word, here is the message in dutch below. Hope to meet some belgian forum members there.

Beste Zuiderburen,

Aanstaande zaterdag 7 maart is het zover, de technische informatie middag voor onze Belgische klanten.

Wij starten de middag om 13:00 uur met een Hollandse erwtensoep.

Verder zal de middag uit een theorie en praktijk gedeelte bestaan.

Heeft u nog vrienden/kennissen die ook een California hebben dan zijn zij van harte welkom (graag wel aanmelden).

Wij verheugen ons op uw komst.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Rob Marchal

Volkswagen Campercentrum Nederland B.V.
Basicweg 5a-c
3821 BR Amersfoort


Tel: 0031 (0)33 4530882
Fax: 0031 (0)33 4947567
Email: info@vwcampers.nl
Internet: www.volkswagencampers.nl
I will be heading there also ....
Report back on your day it would be good to hear how you got on:thumb
I think it's gonne be a lot of tips and tricks on how to use the cali , some demo's on thier acecoirs,...
Hope to get some technical advise to.
We purchased our Cali from this dealer, and have attended two so-called technical evenings. These events are very worthwhile: you get lots of hands-on experience, and details on how everything works ...this dealer is absolutely the best, and we would recommend them to everyone.
Just got back home , VERY pleased with what i saw and learnd this afthernoon !
As always a very nice welcome and friendly people , got to meet other Belgium Cali owners , and a forum member: umbi27...did also warmed up some people to vistit the forum.
So soon maybe new Belgian's arriving here:thumb
Will give you details and pics later...
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Ok , first i'm gonna show the goodiebag everyone was given....:cool:
Do check out the Bulli- pasta...

image.jpg image.jpg

We where welcomed with warm soup / bread , coffee,...
Get to now each other , then the owner started explaining some things that can make you abel to prevent things to go wrong and if they go wrong what to do....
It is loads of information witch a lot of us Cali owners , for few or many years know , but for someone new to a Cali can be very useful. The information afthernoon is normaly for people who have bought a Cali at CCN ( Camper Centrum Nederland) to give them insight on they're new vehicle.
But as we in Belgium have nearly no dealers who have any experience about a Cali , many go to CCN in Holland . And the owner dicided to give us Belgians the oppurtunaty to experience this afthernoon .
Afther 1,5 hour of theory we went to the garage where 3 mecanics waited us to give some insight of the Cali ...
4 Cali's, one with roof up to show how to clean waterdrains , lowering the roof manual and securing it ,....
An other whit the front seats and the bench seat removed to get acces to all the electric parts and fuses....pretty impressif to see it without the front seats!
An other with on a bridge ( four wheels of the ground and acces underneeth) wheels removed to see the beaks and springs , how to place the jack,...
And an other where they had removed all the bottom protection plates so the underneeth of the Cali was visible : position of the heater and his exhaust , waterdrains, airco , prop shafts diffrentials ( it was a 4 motion) , all in front of our eyes...

Asking many questions to the mechanics you could tell they got Cali's pumping thru they'r vains....

Just editing this to say i have started this topic in follow of the vistit to CCN



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Sounds excellent I would love to see the roof lowered manually
For when mine packs up
Actually , we went from how to removing the computer unit in the roof and pointing out where exatly the screw sits that you need to turn lose , the lowering itself did not take place but i'm sure it would work that way...
The tips we got on thatone is once the unit is losend from its clips , do not pull it out but puch it out from the back ...other you could pull the front end of the back!
Also turn that screw just a few turns left and not the whole way out becouse the oil would drain all over you.....!
Most of us for sure went home afther buying some stuff...
I got myself a electric heater ....useful if on hookup so no noise clicking and exhaust smoke- smells
You can buy cheaper but thisone is very small to pack and safe becouse it has a safetybutton on the bottom if puched over it stops working , has 450 -750-1800w setting and a thermostaat


I know the centre well after visiting a friend who lives in Amersfoort and having it suggested that I pop to have a look and a chat.

It's by far and away the best centre I've seen on my travels and not only well equipped and knowledgable but incredibly friendly.

Wish we had this level of service and passion in the UK.

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Also got me one of these..at CCN

Just to have a spare with me in case of need
It's the big fuse located under my drivers( yours passenger) seat

I know the centre well after visiting a friend who lives in Amersfoort and having it suggested that I pop to have a look and a chat.

It's by far and away the best centre I've seen on my travels and not only well equipped and knowledgable but incredibly friendly.

Wish we had this level of service and passion in the UK.

If you ever need to cross the Netherlands or even Belgium one should make the detour to Amersfoort !
Visiting the showroom is an experience itself and they got so many spare parts in stock and almost the whole Brandrup collection ....
You can hang arround the whole day they won't bother...because you will end up buying things eventually!
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Thanks for all the great info here and on the other page. I wonder if any VW van centres in UK would be open and honest enough to offer this opportunity?!!
You can look around the sales room on google street view very interesting.

VW California Club
