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Vango Galli Low - Drive away awning. Anyone got one?



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T6 Beach 150
Hi Folks,
I have recently begun looking into getting a drive away awning. So far I have resisted getting one because we already have one of the splendid Comfortz awning room kits and also because we only usually stop anywhere for one night before moving on. However whilst brilliant for single night touring it does have two major disadvantages:

1. If you want or need to drive anywhere whilst at the camp site, you have to put the whole thing away before hand. It doesn't take long but it is a nuisance.

2. These rooms are superb if the weather is reasonable but in strong winds or heavy rain you needs to be extra carefull otherwise your awning may get damaged. In high winds they require strapping down very securely otherwise your awning might take off damaging itself and your Cali as well. In heavy rain the awning can collect rain until the sheer weight of water collapses the whole awning and room. I know as I was that soldier. Fortunately it didn't cause any damage but I was lucky on that occasion. Under those conditions you need to lower one leg to enable the rain water to run off. However when you have forgotten to do it and it's the early hours of the morning with torrential rain lashing the Cali and awning I am sure you can understand my reluctance to get out of a warm bed to effect this adjustment.

So I am now looking at drive away awnings mainly for the multi night break in one location with our family and friends. As we have lots of grandchildren we would like a fairly big one. Accordingly, the one that has caught my eye is the Vango Galli Low. Has anyone got one and if you have could you please spare the time to give me your thoughts on this awning?
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I have absolutely zero experience of driveaway awnings, having previously been a caravanner, and awnings were the most spectacular pain in the bum I've ever encountered. However, we have just ordered and are awaiting delivery of a Khyam Compact 200 driveaway awning, see link:

I can't imagine it'll get a lot of use in the UK, but we thought it would be excellent for our continental adventures when we might stay somewhere for a few nights and want to empty out stuff from the van for daily excursions. Plus it was nicely discounted! When we've got it and had a go with it I'll put a review up on here in case it's of interest to anyone.
Hi Borris,

We have a Vango Galli Low but we've not used it yet !!!!!!

I did however get the chance to pitch one at an outdoor show in Glasgow, it took around 20mins.
Once it's up, its a great size for my wife and our 2 8year olds and all our gear.

It came supplied with a pump (but no kadar joining strip) in a large hold-all type bag but does weigh a good 25kg....

The forum shop sells them now, but I got an extra 5% of the sale price at :

Cheers Richy
Thanks Richy,
Can I just ask, was it easy to put up and take down? Did you manage to fit it back into it's bag without too much effort? Finally what are your impressions of the quality of the Galli?
Many thanks,
Hi Paul

It was easy enough putting it up and down albeit it was indoors, the only issue I could see was putting it back into the bag, the Vango rep did that part.

It seems decent quality material and let's plenty of light in.

I was advised beforehand to get a Khyam awning by a seasoned camper who still says "you've bought the wrong awning".

Here's a link to another conversation regarding the galli

Decisions decisions lol

Cheers Richy
I'm not familiar with the Galli but I have a Vango Kela which uses the same Airbeam system, and I am very happy with it. Easy to put up and take down, and easy to pack too. A much nicer experience than the Khyam I used to have.
Sorry to butt in, I just wanted to point out that all our drive away Awnings are the latest 2017 version, its just the link posted above was a 2016.

Also to point out we offer price match to all VIP members on drive away awnings from both Vango and Outdoor Revolution.


By the way, does the shop supply a figure 8 kit to join these awnings to my beach with side sun awning ?

Cheers Richy
Looked at the Galli for a good long while before finally deciding to go with the Outdoor Revolution Moveairlite Classic. A bit smaller than the Galli but easily expanded with two optional annexes.

Went for this one largely due to the removable zip-in groundsheet which can be replaced with a breathable version. We prefer grass pitches in the summer and have been finding too many sites now want you to lift your groundsheet or just won't allow sewn-in sheets at all. There seem to be some great deals to be had as well. We're waiting for ours to be delivered this week, hoping to use it next weekend so will post a review.
Hi Paul

It was easy enough putting it up and down albeit it was indoors, the only issue I could see was putting it back into the bag, the Vango rep did that part.

It seems decent quality material and let's plenty of light in.

I was advised beforehand to get a Khyam awning by a seasoned camper who still says "you've bought the wrong awning".

Here's a link to another conversation regarding the galli

Decisions decisions lol

Cheers Richy
Decisions indeed.
Thanks for your input Richy.
Best wishes
Looked at the Galli for a good long while before finally deciding to go with the Outdoor Revolution Moveairlite Classic. A bit smaller than the Galli but easily expanded with two optional annexes.

Went for this one largely due to the removable zip-in groundsheet which can be replaced with a breathable version. We prefer grass pitches in the summer and have been finding too many sites now want you to lift your groundsheet or just won't allow sewn-in sheets at all. There seem to be some great deals to be had as well. We're waiting for ours to be delivered this week, hoping to use it next weekend so will post a review.
Thanks Lewis,
I wasn't aware that some sites don't allow awnings with sewn in ground sheets. That's something that I need to consider carefully before deciding what to buy. How do these sites react to tents with sewn in ground sheets? The same way I assume?
Thanks Lewis,
I wasn't aware that some sites don't allow awnings with sewn in ground sheets. That's something that I need to consider carefully before deciding what to buy. How do these sites react to tents with sewn in ground sheets? The same way I assume?

It's a fair question. From what I've seen it seems like one rule for awnings and often a different rule for tents - with awnings attracting different rules for being an 'extra' rather than an integral part of the unit.

I'm certainly not saying it's the majority of sites, still a very small number but we want maximum flexibility and when you're paying out a big chunk of cash it seems to make sense to us to go with an option that won't cause us any problems.

Other bonus of zip out sheet is that you can remove the muddiest bit of the setup and pack it away separately reducing cleaning time later.

I must concede that the Galli is a very good looking awning though.
I have a Vango Galli and pitched it up for the first time in late January. The main bag and accessories take up quite a bit of room in the van and is very heavy. It took me over an hour to get it up but I am sure that will improve with practice. It is well made from durable materials and there is plenty of room inside.
Because of its weight and the hassle of getting it up, we will only use it if we are pitching up for at least 3 days. It will stay in the shed when we go for weekend trips.
Thanks Lewis,
I wasn't aware that some sites don't allow awnings with sewn in ground sheets. That's something that I need to consider carefully before deciding what to buy. How do these sites react to tents with sewn in ground sheets? The same way I assume?
Hi Borris, I had the same dilemma as you, in the end I went for the new Khyam with a clip out ground sheet. The big factor of choosing the Khyam is that one person can easily erect it. As for the figure of 8 go for a single length, no drips between the joints when it rains, easily stored under top bed. Good luck in your choice.20150922_161625.jpg 20150922_161604.jpg 20150922_161708.jpg
Thankyou Everyone for your input. Unfortunately I am no nearer to deciding which awning to go for.
The reluctance of some sites to have awnings with built in ground sheets has thrown me a little. If this is true then it will effect my choice. There is also the nagging feeling that this expensive awning element is going to turn a reasonably pleasurable camping experience into something I will not want to attempt all that often. I am still pursuing the idea but I think I shall hold off until I seen some different examples in the flesh and talked to some owners.
Thanks for all of your help.
Thankyou Everyone for your input. Unfortunately I am no nearer to deciding which awning to go for.
The reluctance of some sites to have awnings with built in ground sheets has thrown me a little. If this is true then it will effect my choice. There is also the nagging feeling that this expensive awning element is going to turn a reasonably pleasurable camping experience into something I will not want to attempt all that often. I am still pursuing the idea but I think I shall hold off until I seen some different examples in the flesh and talked to some owners.
Thanks for all of your help.
After initially having my heart set of an Galli, I went for the somewhat smaller Kela.
Pack size 0.13 cu metres
Weight 26.6 Kg
Pitch time 15 minutes (probably double in practice)
Living area 14.88 - 17.76 sq m depending how measured​
Pack size: 0.10 cu metres
Weight 17.25 Kg
Pitch time 8 minutes (15 minutes is more realistic)
Living area 7.28 - 11.47 Sq m depending how measured​

While the pack size of the two are more or less comparable, the weight is not, and the faff time for the Galli is nearly twice as long as for the Kela. However, the Galli's groundsheeted area is twice the size of the Kela's.

Even for me in a thunderstorm, I had no problem pitching my Kela single-handed, it helped that I had practised on my driveway a day or two earlier. There was sufficient space in the tent for a kitchen area and a dining area for five, plus extraneous baggage packed by she who shall remain nameless. This remained in the tent when we went on an excursion to photograph our brand new Beach under the shadow of the Portland Bill Lighthouse.
We have the Galli. It is a great space and perfect for a family of four.

The issue we have had is with rain accumulating on the connector flap and forming big pools. I was pleased for nature's call in the wee hours so I could relieve the roof on the same trip. I need to work out if I'm doing something g wrong or if it is a flaw in the design.

And as for sites with restrictive policies, we have had to pay extra for putting up the awning - ÂŁ2.50 per night.

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The issue we have had is with rain accumulating on the connector flap and forming big pools. I was pleased for nature's call in the wee hours so I could relieve the roof on the same trip. I need to work out if I'm doing something g wrong or if it is a flaw in the design.
Our first trip in our Cali was three very went and windy march nights in Swanage. Water and mud were significant issues.

Our next three trips were rain free, and the van and awning feel twice the size in the dry.

This weekend we had one wet night. The awning leaks at the joins between the figure of eights. I think there is a cure: blu tack on the joins. I'll report back,

We initially purchased the Khyam motodome but just couldn't get on with it. It was the larger version and felt too unwieldy for its own mechanism, I found it really fiddly to put up. The 2nd time it ripped around one of the poles, apparently this isn't unknown (according to the retailer).

What I will say is that there was no quibble getting my money back, it was just within 30 days, but even so Khyam could've made it more painful than they did.

As I write this I'm sat in the Galli that replaced it. Piece of cake to put up, roomy - should've got it in the 1st place.
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After much deliberation we too have gone for the Vango Galli Low. It's currently on it's second outing. The first being the recent Cali meet at Brean where it performed very well indeed as a large dining area, meeting room and refuge from the elements for both us and our friends. We are currently on the Isle of Wight having been duped by the weather man who told us that the I of W would be Scorchio for the next week. The inner Hebrides were the number one choice until I looked into when the bighting wee beasties hatch out.

The Vango Galli Low is superb. It is roomy, well made and very well designed. It is quick and easy to erect and not too difficult to take down. I would say that only drawbacks are the weight and size of the tent pack but they are the only small issues.

Whilst it is a drive away awning we haven't bothered to connect it this time and are sleeping in the awning as well. I know, we are supposed to be sleeping in the Cali but as far as I am aware it's not compulsory yet.
Vango Galli low update:
These awnings are very good. The Vango people have thought of everything. They have ample windows with blinds and two large zip up entrance openings for the human occupants. They have even provided a little door at very low level for the local furry critters to come and go. Vango describe it as a cable access point but failed to mention that it has this other thoughtful use.
At just gone two the other morning Mrs B gave me a nudge and whispered "we are not alone in here". Now I am usually like a coiled spring ready to pounce without hesitation but not in the middle of the night. I therefore poo-pooed her suggestion with a disinterested mumble. Thirty seconds later she heard another noise and sat bolt upright. The hunt was on. I leaped into action like a cat after a mouse. The visitor did indeed turn out to be one of the local Isle of Wight Mickies. After we'd knocked all the pots and pans flying in pursuit, Russel, the lightning fast furry intruder was apprehended, using an old ice cream tub, before being sent skidding across the outside grass on his ar**!!)
Oddly all the other campers around us moved out the following morning.
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Hey Galli owners. We are considering swapping an AirBeam Edoras 500XL for a driveaway awning. We have 2 kids (aged 5 and 2) and are these days sleeping in the tent and not the Beach.

What I am wondering about these is how well do they connect to the van? And is there a lot of (any) benefit in an awning over a basic tent?

We do not have a the wind up side cassette awning on our Beach, so would need to feed it directly into the side rail (which is there). Would that work easily/at all?

Hey Galli owners. We are considering swapping an AirBeam Edoras 500XL for a driveaway awning. We have 2 kids (aged 5 and 2) and are these days sleeping in the tent and not the Beach.

What I am wondering about these is how well do they connect to the van? And is there a lot of (any) benefit in an awning over a basic tent?

We do not have a the wind up side cassette awning on our Beach, so would need to feed it directly into the side rail (which is there). Would that work easily/at all?


Hi, we too have a galli low, its a fair old size for the 4 of us.

We tend to use the wind out awning to take up the slack when connection the galli to the van, without the wind out awning on your van you might find it a bit frustrating to get everything lined up....

But practice makes perfect........