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Caravan and Motorhome Club the last straw



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 199
We have been travelling around Scotland for the last 3 weeks using Caravan and Motorhome Club sites only.Up until today we have been reasonably happy with their COVID restrictions regarding toilets / showers , several different methods mostly involving wrist bands to restrict numbers.
However today arriving at Marragowan things have turned into ludicrous.
A full 97 pitch site, between the hours of 0700 and 2100 there is just one toilet available ! Unless you have booked in a 20 minute slot to use one of the 2 blocks for sole use.These slots can be booked from midday !
Also incredibly they have shut the dishwashing area.
Unbelievably poor.

Will be talking to Warden’s tomorrow, but looking at the site reviews they are a grumpy bunch.

The site is in a nice location though

Dave and Lisa
It must be so difficult to be a site warden, particularly at the moment. I take it you have your own toilet for such situations.
My sympathy with the wardens, they have the regs from on high as well as the punters to deal with.

as @BerndRos said, the UK, or at least some parts of it, has gone mad.

We seem to have lost sight of the fact that the individual is responsible for their own safety. I am just back from a few days touring around, I know the best ways of not getting coronavirus, my hand washing regime protects me, my sense of social distancing protects me, my desire not to catch the thing protects me so please let me be a grown up and use the facilities when I deem it safe for me.

I must admit, I stopped at two private sites and two CAMC ones. The private ones were sanity restored, you know what you touch, you know to wash your hands, you know to keep clear of people, you don't need me to nanny you.
Ahh, but people, the Unions, the Media, MPs and Tom, Dick and Harry WANT CLARITY. They want to be told A, B and C. Even though they are given advice and guidelines they want Regulations and Laws to follow otherwise where would be the fun in flouting them etc. Common Sense has gone out of the window.
My sympathy with the wardens, they have the regs from on high as well as the punters to deal with.

as @BerndRos said, the UK, or at least some parts of it, has gone mad.

We seem to have lost sight of the fact that the individual is responsible for their own safety. I am just back from a few days touring around, I know the best ways of not getting coronavirus, my hand washing regime protects me, my sense of social distancing protects me, my desire not to catch the thing protects me so please let me be a grown up and use the facilities when I deem it safe for me.

I must admit, I stopped at two private sites and two CAMC ones. The private ones were sanity restored, you know what you touch, you know to wash your hands, you know to keep clear of people, you don't need me to nanny you.
Dear GrannyJen, with all due respect, what you say is 100% true, IF everybody would behave responsibly in the fashion that you describe.
You are expecting too much from mankind. 90% of people don't behave as responsibly as you describe, or not consistently over long periods of time. It has been 6 months and even usually diligent people are lowering their guard.
With the risk of becoming unpopular, I must admit I praise when strict (sensible) Corona rules are enforced.
It is unfair and unnecessary to you and many of us that behave intelligently in order to protect themselves and others. But it is necessary to prevent the idiots get infected and then infect others and treated at the public expense, filling up the few intensive care places, drawing resources from hospitals and prolonging lockdown or restrictive measures for everybody.
2020 Camping one should plan to be self sufficient, sponge bath, portapotti etc. If the facilities are open good, if not one should be self sufficient.
That's what I think.
We have visited the same C&MC site (in Devon) twice since they reopened in early July. On each occasion the Covid measures were the same and the wardens were carrying out the same cleaning procedures - what had changed was the campers and their attitude to measures that were in place for everyone's safety.

On our first visit in early July, social distancing was kept, people queued if the facilities were occupied, people where washing their hands and using sanitiser outside the facilities, we felt safe. On the second occasion (early August) social distancing seemed to have been forgotten, large groups were in and out of each other's outfits, if the hooks outside the facilities were full of wristbands they shrugged and walked in, and they removed the tape from facilities that weren't in use so they could congregate and have a jolly time.

When one woman saw me queuing outside the toilet block she asked why. When I said there were already five people in there she wanted to know where in the 'Rules' did it say that you can't do what you want when you're on holiday. She said they had come to Devon because it is safe down here and they wanted to get away 'from all that stuff up North'. As you can imagine - I kept my distance from her!
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When one woman saw me queuing outside the toilet block she asked why. When I said there were already five people in there she wanted to know where in the 'Rules' did it say that you can't do what you want when you're on holiday.. She said they had come to Devon because it is safe down here and they wanted to get away 'from all that stuff up North'. As you can imaging - I kept my distance from her!

Some ‘gifted’ people out there!...and they wonder why they have have higher infection rates when they get back home.
If it was 100% up to the individual to maintain safety for both themselves and the general public god help us. One country says Face masks or £100 fine..Another’s country says please yourself...Nobody has a clue what’s happening from minute to minute..Cross a UK border and you didn’t bring your mask go into a shop and bang £100 fine.(Theoretically).. And of course there are some people that really don’t like to brake the law no matter how silly it may be..I live in Wales and the face mask rule is your choice if you want to wear one, which I And my wife always do. Couple of weeks ago we went to a lovely campsite just outside Gloucester and she had really done her best with hand sanitizers around water points and all manner of bottles of disinfectant in the toilets and showers...Even then people didn’t use them properly..
People are going to look back on 2020 as being one of the biggest indecisive cockups and wasted loss of human life in this century....
Good morning,

During the 1 1/2 weeks holiday in England we visited several campsites. The variety of Covid-19 protection was from non existence to very well organized.

To be a campsite warden is difficult and straight forward. I believe it is straight forward to organize Covid-19 protection process, but it is not easy to ensure calmly, patiently and nicely to remind people to stick to those.

Most rules and regulations are done for the minority of people who actually won't stick to common sense and ruin it for the rest. That's the way it is. I don't believe it will change as long human beings roaming the earth.

Because of this most people feel offended if they are reminded about rules, because they normal would follow them anyway. But most of the time it is difficult to distinguish if somebody will follow the rules or not.

People and groups of people ask for clear guidelines. It is exhausting to watch to news. But I believe people demanding from the government detailed guidelines (but with the best will in the world that is not possible for the government to cover everything) to ensure that they can't be suit if something is going wrong. People don't want to take responsibility for themselves far away for others. To be honest to some extend I understand this mentality. Nowadays we will be suit or threatened if we say or do something wrong, regardless if it is very bad or just a small slip. Maybe that is the curse of the modern Internet World....

Dear GrannyJen, with all due respect, what you say is 100% true, IF everybody would behave responsibly in the fashion that you describe.
You are expecting too much from mankind. 90% of people don't behave as responsibly as you describe, or not consistently over long periods of time. It has been 6 months and even usually diligent people are lowering their guard.
With the risk of becoming unpopular, I must admit I praise when strict (sensible) Corona rules are enforced.
It is unfair and unnecessary to you and many of us that behave intelligently in order to protect themselves and others. But it is necessary to prevent the idiots get infected and then infect others and treated at the public expense, filling up the few intensive care places, drawing resources from hospitals and prolonging lockdown or restrictive measures for everybody.
2020 Camping one should plan to be self sufficient, sponge bath, portapotti etc. If the facilities are open good, if not one should be self sufficient.
That's what I think.

I agree with everything you say but sadly those who will flout the rules will flout the rules regardless. Those who don't wash their hands or pay heed to personal hygiene will not suddenly do so because someone tells them to: those who will not keep a good space will still crowd people regardless: those who will not wear a face mask will continue to not wear a face mask unless someone with the authority to tell them to do so is standing right behind them with handcuffs ready.

The current situation is those who read, understand and follow the guidance will continue to follow those guidelines to protect themselves. Penalising those people by applying stringent controls on every aspect of someones life will never in a million years deter those who would flout any and every rule regardless.
"You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead." Stan Laurel in "Brats".
CMC do seem particularly officious and the PITA/benefit trade-off on some the of the 'protocols' do seem bizarre, especially when compared to pubs and restaurants and campsites abroad etc.

I think it's because a high proportion of their clientele are more elderly and have their own facilities, so they are sticking to the 'we did as much as we could feasibly do' strategy if anything goes wrong.
I agree with everything you say but sadly those who will flout the rules will flout the rules regardless. Those who don't wash their hands or pay heed to personal hygiene will not suddenly do so because someone tells them to: those who will not keep a good space will still crowd people regardless: those who will not wear a face mask will continue to not wear a face mask unless someone with the authority to tell them to do so is standing right behind them with handcuffs ready.

The current situation is those who read, understand and follow the guidance will continue to follow those guidelines to protect themselves. Penalising those people by applying stringent controls on every aspect of someones life will never in a million years deter those who would flout any and every rule regardless.
that is true. But in Italy for example , during the lock down, people caught outside or too far from home got fined in the hundreds of EUR per person per incident. Last week in Germany police broke a grill party and the 10 people received a 150 euro fine each. It may not deter them still, but they'll become poorer.
The trouble is people don’t understand the difference between Guidelines and Regulations backed with the power of the Law.
In relation to Campsites there are Guidelines. The Wardens/Owners are to provide facilities to ensure that public spaces can be used in a Covid Secure Manner. It is not their job to police them. The only sanction they have available is to evict the irresponsible party which is easier said than done. When it comes to Common Sense I’m afraid a significant majority of the population are as thick as they come.
Now we could have RegulationsLaws instead as they do elsewhere, and enforce them. The £10,000 fine for organisers of illegal gatherings is a step in the right direction, but it should go further. Coral all those that attend, fine them £100 for attending, test them for C19 and don’t allow them to leave until their identity has been confirmed. Pay now by card, a reduced rate which will also identify them, or pay the bailiff the full amount later.
Obviously if 1 person in the gathering tests +tve then they all have 14 days quarantine together with all those that live in the same household and publicise this so that people realise what will happen and what it will cost them. And check up on them.
My son has been back 7 days from France, in quarantine and he and his brother in law’s family have each had an unannounced visit and so far 3 phone calls to check they are where they are supposed to be.
My son has been back 7 days from France, in quarantine and he and his brother in law’s family have each had an unannounced visit and so far 3 phone calls to check they are where they are supposed to be.
An announced visit from whom?
Surprised that they haven’t done it more as would be an easy revenue stream and easy to check without a visit (Just need to track your mobile phone signal); Our 14 days period ends on Saturday, and have obeyed the rules but now disappointed after reading WG post as no visit for us!
Surprised that they haven’t done it more as would be an easy revenue stream and easy to check without a visit (Just need to track your mobile phone signal); Our 14 days period ends on Saturday, and have obeyed the rules but now disappointed after reading WG post as no visit for us!
Maybe different age groups?
Both these families have young children.
Or maybe a more pro-active Public Health Department.
Ahh, but people, the Unions, the Media, MPs and Tom, Dick and Harry WANT CLARITY. They want to be told A, B and C. Even though they are given advice and guidelines they want Regulations and Laws to follow otherwise where would be the fun in flouting them etc. Common Sense has gone out of the window.
Problem is the guidance is often contradictory and vague, as for schools, its absolutely need clarity they are legally liable for other peoples children and their employees, common sense is a subjective term and you can be sure if a school is sued they wont be able to rely on that.
Problem is the guidance is often contradictory and vague, as for schools, its absolutely need clarity they are legally liable for other peoples children and their employees, common sense is a subjective term and you can be sure if a school is sued they wont be able to rely on that.
Sorry but I Disagree. As far as I am concerned none of the advice or guidance has been contradictory or vague, no more than the science that underpins it. If people cannot get there heads round that then more fool them. You protect yourself and protect your friends and family by your own actions. Anyone who doesn’t get that simple fact deserves everything that befalls them.
The alternative, Regulations backed by the Law could be even more restrictive and not something any UK Government would consider. Maybe they should get the Armed Services out on the street to enforce Regulations.
Sorry but I Disagree. As far as I am concerned none of the advice or guidance has been contradictory or vague, no more than the science that underpins it. If people cannot get there heads round that then more fool them. You protect yourself and protect your friends and family by your own actions. Anyone who doesn’t get that simple fact deserves everything that befalls them.
The alternative, Regulations backed by the Law could be even more restrictive and not something any UK Government would consider. Maybe they should get the Armed Services out on the street to enforce Regulations.
I’d like to agree but unfortunately I’m observing neighbours and friends totally ignoring the guidelines or rules... and so it’s not that ‘they’ deserve anything that ‘befalls them’, these people could inadvertently infect others, and that’s where I get frustrated. You are not 100% safe following all the advice. You need every to do it for it to work. (In my opinion).
I’d like to agree but unfortunately I’m observing neighbours and friends totally ignoring the guidelines or rules... and so it’s not that ‘they’ deserve anything that ‘befalls them’, these people could inadvertently infect others, and that’s where I get frustrated. You are not 100% safe following all the advice. You need every to do it for it to work. (In my opinion).
200 quids fine would remind them of necessity of observing the Covid restrictions and guidelines.