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Beware. Bogus Police Officers.

Having read the post a couple of times, I don't believe it is true.
I have contacted Customer Sevices reference to a panic alarm conected to the vehicle security system and they've assured me the that a system already exists. They have advised me to take the vehicle with the remote key fob to a dealership where it can be progammed to operate the vehicle alarm from inside the vehicle. I contacted my local dealership, explained what I was informed by C/sevices and was met by a mechanic with a 1000 yard stare. He'd never heard of it. Back to the drawing board.


Probably hidden in the layers of the electronic programming...
Agree, If the van is locked, i keep the keys in the ignition, turn it on and press horn, that should get attention.

I am very wary of leaving the keys in the ignition when locked and parked up. I'm under the impression rightly/wrongly that the easiest way to steal a modern vehicle is with the keys. So with car thieves prepared to break and enter into the owners home to obtain keys, it would be even easier for them to break the drivers door window and remove keys from the ignition. Ok, the vehicle is occupied but that didn't prevent the attempted access by thieves with myself and partner aboard. The horn should be designed to operate without the engine operating.

I am very wary of leaving the keys in the ignition when locked and parked up. I'm under the impression rightly/wrongly that the easiest way to steal a modern vehicle is with the keys. So with car thieves prepared to break and enter into the owners home to obtain keys, it would be even easier for them to break the drivers door window and remove keys from the ignition. Ok, the vehicle is occupied but that didn't prevent the attempted access by thieves with myself and partner aboard. The horn should be designed to operate without the engine operating.

Balance of risk - which is the greatest threat? Some one breaking in and finding the keys or the occupants not being able to find them to make a quick getaway, noise, or whatever? Not an easy call.
Horn can be changed to operate with ignition off, but looking at the camping use of the Cali it may be deemed more convenient to disable the horn when parked up to prevent inadvertantly sounding it at 3am when climbing down to find the porta potty!
Balance of risk - which is the greatest threat? Some one breaking in and finding the keys or the occupants not being able to find them to make a quick getaway, noise, or whatever? Not an easy call.
Horn can be changed to operate with ignition off, but looking at the camping use of the Cali it may be deemed more convenient to disable the horn when parked up to prevent inadvertantly sounding it at 3am when climbing down to find the porta potty!

Good point.
I think the solution may lie with what Customer Sevices have stated that the vehicle and remote control key fobs can be reprogrammed to actuate an alarm whilst inside the vehicle. I will contact another dealsership tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
What use would a 'panic' button be? Who pays any attention to a car alarm these days? If the story is true and these guys were prepared to try and get in a vehicle where there were already two adults I doubt a panic button would be of any use at all.
Careful where you park...and NEVER overnight in a lay by on a public road. It beggars belief that anyone would do that.
Lay bys and trading estates are full of lorry drivers sleeping in their cabs.
We don't know if the pond life wanted the vehicle or their cash, phones, lap tops etc.
Lay bys and trading estates are full of lorry drivers sleeping in their cabs.
We don't know if the pond life wanted the vehicle or their cash, phones, lap tops etc.

There may be safety in numbers...but you have NO idea if the others will move off during the night, and leave you alone and vulnerable.

Just don't do it and use dollops of common sense.

I went through 22 countries in 15 months sleeping free 85% of the time. I was always very careful and if not 100% feeling secure I moved on. I never had one bit of trouble. I was a man traveling alone. If you had a woman with you, why oh why would you put her at risk. CRAZY.
I agree about security for those travelling alone or wild camping , but first and foremost is " Common Sense ". Unfortunately for some this Sense is not that Common.
I, personally, would be very choosy where I stopped in such a populous area and that would be my first priority followed by security considerations. Double blip on the remote will enable the alarm but disable the interior alarm, or using the switch by the drivers door.
I agree safety has to be the overriding priority for me. I would rather part with ÂŁ10 to be safe on CL site rather than risking a tap on the window by some scroat who is trying it on.
James, in your past 40yrs of driving you never encountered scenarios whereby our current system of having to accept citizens from all EU countries without criminal background checks before granting residency status. For this reason alone, I would hesitate to wild camp. I have my trusty smartphone with video recording which would immediately be turned on before answering a knock on my ZuluCampi in the wee hours of the morning should I ever find myself needing to wild camp. In my experience during years of running a factory and the white van people trying to get a foot inside, the smartphone was in my hand snapping away; at their face then car registration plate. The police keep files on pictures given to them - this has been said to me by police. Download one of the many Apps for camping, know where you are going, where nearby campsites are located, we live in dodgy times amongst very dodgy people.
I'm pretty sure that if someone tries the doors when the van is locked, even with the internal sensors disabled the alarm should go off. I know because I did it on a campsite the first time we used it and was rather embarrassed to blast the neighbours. I do have a t5 of course.
I'm pretty sure that if someone tries the doors when the van is locked, even with the internal sensors disabled the alarm will go off. I know because I did it on a campsite the first time we used it and was rather embarrassed to blast the neighbours.. I do have a t5 of course.
So were you trying to get into your van or someone else's Matt - more details required :embarrased
Haha thankfully it was my own.

Into my own van, I had locked it with the sensors off and the dogs inside whilst taking a nature break. On returning I forgot I had locked it and pulled the drivers door handle and it went off. The dogs were less impressed than the campsite to be fair.

Another situation entirely are Britstops.

I always use street view if factoring them into the equation. I would want to know that the pub car park that I am camping in is not in full view of a main road. I also now check to see if the premises are residential or not.

This comes from an experience last year when I had arranged to meet some friends at a pub in Cheshire that was a Britstop. When I arrived the car park was open and in full view of a busy main road on a stretch between two not very nice pieces of urban jungle.

No way was I stopping there but the lesson learned was to have a good view before hand of location, privacy afforded and neighbours around if it is needed to raise an alarm.
Don't know whether Carista might be able to fix this for a T5 - but not for a T6 :mad:

I just happened to be browsing the Carista web site and spotted this option on their VW sample options:

"This is a sample list of available customization settings for a VW Transporter Dsg 2013.:

Horn works even when ignition is off

It seems likely that a Cali would use very similar options.

Maybe someone with a Carista and T5/T6 could find out?
Mine turns into a Transporter overnight. I know this layby & wouldn't stop there during the day.
I have just been reading my cycle touring Facebook group, when they were discussing home made pepper spray, for deterring dogs and humans. I gather in countries like Albania ,cycle tourists can get attacked.
Having touched sensitive areas after using hot peppers in cooking, if someone was to get some spray on their face, even if they blinked, they are more than likely to rub it in their eyes, and buy you time to set off the alarm etc
I am sure proprietary pepper spray is illegal in the U.K. and Europe
I carried Sabre in the USA. An emergency pepper spray. Like attack alarms allowed in the UK a pull ring to activate. I taught in some pretty bad area's where it would be more normal for me to carry an AK47.

Now I don't need to. By don't need to I don't need to go where I would think carrying such stuff is a necessity. Such a mentality I rely upon now to keep me safe. If I feel I need it I should not be going there.

As an afterthought, the only two places where I have felt the need to check my attack alarm, indeed on one occasion asking a group of guys to come to my assistance, have been on "safe" campsites, not wild camping.
I just happened to be browsing the Carista web site and spotted this option on their VW sample options:

"This is a sample list of available customization settings for a VW Transporter Dsg 2013.:

Horn works even when ignition is off

It seems likely that a Cali would use very similar options.

Maybe someone with a Carista and T5/T6 could find out?
Not on the T6 with Carista :(
I'm pretty sure that if someone tries the doors when the van is locked, even with the internal sensors disabled the alarm should go off. I know because I did it on a campsite the first time we used it and was rather embarrassed to blast the neighbours. I do have a t5 of course.
My T6 doesn't behave like this. I tried the doors with the vehicle locked from the inside - no alarm.
My T6 doesn't behave like this. I tried the doors with the vehicle locked from the inside - no alarm.
Mine either maybe matts tilt sensor activated if the van rocked when the handle was pulled hard (if they have one??) @MattBW had you been working out ;)
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