Brexit , this forum and travel



I see Brexit is getting closer now and was wondering what the future holds for us on here, I notice we have many foreign members now but the club is UK based, I am hoping we are still welcome? Also we like to travel to the UK especially Cornwall and Highlands and soon it may be difficult for us. The German media is making it that the UK no longer like foreigners I hope this is not true.
You will always be welcome as friends. Its only politicians we dislike.:thumb
I see Brexit is getting closer now and was wondering what the future holds for us on here, I notice we have many foreign members now but the club is UK based, I am hoping we are still welcome? Also we like to travel to the UK especially Cornwall and Highlands and soon it may be difficult for us. The German media is making it that the UK no longer like foreigners I hope this is not true.
Personally, all I want rid of is the European Commission. I will still be travelling in Europe and hope I'll be tolerated / welcomed there as you will be here.
wolfsburg, you will be most welcome. Indeed, I also can reciprocate that question for as a europhile I would always hope that my GB plated vehicle will be as welcome in the future as it is now .....

even if the old bat behind the wheel is found to be less than acceptable ....:sad
Yes absolutely welcome, I love to see Europeans holidaying here, it reminds me we live in a place that is nice and others want to see too.

One of the key reasons we’re buying a California is so that we can explore more in Europe than we have before when just touring in the car with pre booked hotels etc.

Yes there may be more checks etc, but we already have passport control to get over the channel, and Europe uses a different currency anyway so apart from the potential of having to have a visa to visit certain countries I can’t see anything that will change really.

I just hope Europeans don’t hold it against us and start randomly keying / smashing up any Uk number plated car. Ditto in reverse too..
I see Brexit is getting closer now and was wondering what the future holds for us on here, I notice we have many foreign members now but the club is UK based, I am hoping we are still welcome? Also we like to travel to the UK especially Cornwall and Highlands and soon it may be difficult for us. The German media is making it that the UK no longer like foreigners I hope this is not true.
Foreign visitors will always be welcome by the vast majority of the British peoples.

There is a danger that post-Brexit Britain will impose visa restrictions on visitors from some member states such as Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians. If this happens, those member states might retaliate by imposing visa restrictions on British visitors, and it is not completely implausible that the EU would retaliate on their behalf by imposing visa restrictions on British visitors throughout the EU.

These are uncertain times.

Follow my blog:
The German media is making it that the UK no longer like foreigners I hope this is not true.
This is absolute rubbish Wolfsburg please forget it. Oh and spread the word.
Brexit has never been about not welcoming other europeans.
That said, the strong feelings about immigration could be seen to contradict what I've just said but it doesn't take too much thought to separate the 2 things.
Without getting in too deep in to the subject, for me (many years before Brexit) I have worried that the UK has forgotten how to stand on its own 2 feet and provide for it's self, making it's own decisions about laws and finances. I was not an ardent 'OUT' voter and remained relaxed about the outcome knowing that neither option would be perfect. So back to people??? I welcome all upstanding people from any nationality.
Britain still loves its European neighbours.
The people and cultures which makes those countries individual and unique.

Me personally I don’t like the politicians and being governed by people I had no choice in electing.

I have friends from all over Europe, they will always be welcome here as I hope I will always be welcome in their homelands.

We welcome you Wolfsburg and your fellow countrymen. Now and always :welcome
Foreign visitors will always be welcome by the vast majority of the British peoples.

There is a danger that post-Brexit Britain will impose visa restrictions on visitors from some member states such as Hungarians, Romanians and Bulgarians. If this happens, those member states might retaliate by imposing visa restrictions on British visitors, and it is not completely implausible that the EU would retaliate on their behalf by imposing visa restrictions on British visitors throughout the EU.

These are uncertain times.

Follow my blog:

For workers I could see this as a potential, but not for holidaying and vacations.

NZ and Aus still allow visitors, it’s just working there for an extended period that is what requires a visa, medical, points etc.
Always welcome although I'm not very PC as my fellow German company director / friend now understands (its taken years on her living in the UK to understand the UK humour)

Similarly off to Berlin in February for a trade show and looking forward to it. Experienced the Hofbräuhaus this year. Fantastic .
Oh great....

What a way to get a good welcome and set a good example.
Brexit has never been about not welcoming other europeans.
I'd say almost the polar opposite is correct. Brexit is mainly about not welcoming many classes of European.

Spanish doctors might still be welcome, but go to parts of Lincolnshire and ask if Romanian farm labourers are welcome.

A great many in Britain want to be able to cherry pick who can live and work here.

Tourists, including VW California owners, will always be welcome by the overwhelming majority.

Follow my blog:
The thread is about the political climate not interfering with the warm welcome that this country historically gives to visitors and vice-versa, the brilliant times that we all experience when on the continent.

It is not about the politics.
As said by many before me its not Europe we dislike its the unelected politicians telling us what we can and can,t do Europeans will always be welcome.
I see Brexit is getting closer now and was wondering what the future holds for us on here, I notice we have many foreign members now but the club is UK based, I am hoping we are still welcome? Also we like to travel to the UK especially Cornwall and Highlands and soon it may be difficult for us. The German media is making it that the UK no longer like foreigners I hope this is not true.
Of course you are welcome - the media has a lot to answer for on this subject matter.
If in Wales give me a call :)
Brexit has never been about not welcoming other europeans.
Hmmm... To be honest, that is not what we have seen. The Brexit referendum seemed to be mostly about sentiments, not rationale (well, that's probably true for any referendum) and the prevailing sentiment that came across was one of anti-immigration. More specifically for people from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, etc, who all seemed to be seen as potentially 'steeling jobs' rather than keeping the UK economy running... 'Welcome' was not the message sent, from our perspective!
Hmmm... To be honest, that is not what we have seen. The Brexit referendum seemed to be mostly about sentiments, not rationale (well, that's probably true for any referendum) and the prevailing sentiment that came across was one of anti-immigration. More specifically for people from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, etc, who all seemed to be seen as potentially 'steeling jobs' rather than keeping the UK economy running... 'Welcome' was not the message sent, from our perspective!
Welcoming Europeans and talking about immigration are 2 different things.
I'd hope you would welcome me to your house for a friendly chat and a beverage. That is along way removed from me deciding to move in to your house.
I'd say almost the polar opposite is correct. Brexit is mainly about not welcoming many classes of European.

Spanish doctors might still be welcome, but go to parts of Lincolnshire and ask if Romanian farm labourers are welcome.

A great many in Britain want to be able to cherry pick who can live and work here.

Tourists, including VW California owners, will always be welcome by the overwhelming majority.

Follow my blog:
Immigration and warmth for other people do not necessarily go together.
The politics of any foreigner working in any country will meet with differing opinions from those born and bred in that country. Please don't associate this with Brits cherry picking it could happen anywhere.
Drop the underlying politics and let this forum continue in the great relationships between people from all over the place.
I don't think immigration is what Wolfsburg meant.
I agree with your last sentence though which is where I do think his comment was directed.
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Welcoming Europeans and talking about immigration are 2 different things.
I'd hope you would welcome me to your house for a friendly chat and a beverage. That is along way removed from me deciding to move in to your house.
That's a fair point. We can see and appreciate the many sides to an issue such as Brexit, don't worry. Just wanted to make the point that sentiments are leading and that 'welcome' was not the prevailing sentiment that came across over here during the Brexit campaigns, I'm afraid. Rather something far more nasty. The sad thing is it is not limited to the UK.
That's a fair point. We can see and appreciate the many sides to an issue such as Brexit, don't worry. Just wanted to make the point that sentiments are leading and that 'welcome' was not the prevailing sentiment that came across over here during the Brexit campaigns, I'm afraid. Rather something far more nasty. The sad thing is it is not limited to the UK.
I understand bvddobb.
The ability to visit a country for tourist purposes including an extended visit of say 3 months is not the same as the ability to work and settle there. Why do people believe that if the latter is restricted using a visa type system (which is a common system in much of the world - including EU countries for people outside of the EU) then tourism or temporary stays of residence will automatically be severely restricted too. EU citizens travel on holiday to non-EU countries now without massive inconvenience. As to the issue of people being unwelcome - sadly the press on both sides of the argument exaggerate this to suit their own political agenda. People in the UK will continue to welcome visitors just as I am sure that the people of Europe will continue to welcome British visitors. The politicians however will be squabbling for a while yet.

VW California Club
