VW California Roof Corrosion - Key Facts

Interesting read, though unless I'm mistaken there has been zero evidence of 2014 models having the Front Panel issues, only the elevating roof one.

(Hoping so as ours is a 2014!)
That's my understanding too:

"It seems that VW changed the manufacturing process sometime in March 2013 to include an additional plastic strip fitted in the gutter between the elevating roof and the front panel, and also used front panels with a different aluminium alloy construction. This changes should now have fixed the problem affecting the front panel. However, many 2014 vans still seem to suffer from roof corrosion on the main elevating roof and a permanent fix for this hasn't yet been found".
I've updated the article just now following feedback clarifying the causes of the problems (and will continue to provide updates as and when there are any new developments).
My 2014 Beach has corrosion on the elevating roof sections n under the rubble seal. VW have authorised work under warranty .. 6 to 8 months lead time. Not acceptable. I discussed lower resale values but VW say it won't effect the resale value. They say it would have 6 years warranty so by the time the work is done be it will only have 2 years left. Anyone ne in the same position?
My 2014 Beach has corrosion on the elevating roof sections n under the rubble seal. VW have authorised work under warranty .. 6 to 8 months lead time. Not acceptable. I discussed lower resale values but VW say it won't effect the resale value. They say it would have 6 years warranty so by the time the work is done be it will only have 2 years left. Anyone ne in the same position?

Hundreds of people are waiting years for the Cali roof repairs while their 6 year warranty (from date of vehicle registration ) is counting down.
Our SE was repainted twice and the paint bubbled up again.
Remember when your 6 years is up then no more repairs will be paid for by VW.

Has anyone took legal advice about this?

Has anyone took legal advice about this?

We rejected a 2014 SE and a 2016 Beach under the appropriate consumer legislation and were paid out both times by VW.

You need to read the main corrosion threads.

Thanks for the info, I will have a read. I've had my van for 2 years- is this now beyond rejection?
Chapeau to the article - the original topic is totally unwieldy and practically speaking too much to bear to contemplate wading through.**

Upshot of it all is though:

1. VW have your money and don't give a fig about you.

2. VW even with all their unbelievably huge technologically advanced research technology and design facilities and manpower cannot be bothered to sort out a solution to the problem even though if they wanted to they could surely do it within weeks.

3. VW know that the vast majority of people worldwide who purchase a California are blissfully unaware of the in-built time-bomb roof and once it surfaces (sorry) it will no longer be VW's problem.

**Snowy - can you link to that specific 'rejection' post or summarise here?
That's my understanding too:

"It seems that VW changed the manufacturing process sometime in March 2013 to include an additional plastic strip fitted in the gutter between the elevating roof and the front panel, and also used front panels with a different aluminium alloy construction. This changes should now have fixed the problem affecting the front panel. However, many 2014 vans still seem to suffer from roof corrosion on the main elevating roof and a permanent fix for this hasn't yet been found".
I've updated the article just now following feedback clarifying the causes of the problems (and will continue to provide updates as and when there are any new developments).
Nice article, there is another point to add in your "what causes" section that relates to the rubber seal and its metal strip.
From some of the close up photos we have seen, there appear to be tramlines formed in the paint along which bubbles appear, I think this is a result of the tight seal being added before the paint has fully hardened. This results in a thinner area of paint along the lines.
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Proposed compensation for your California roof

I like many California owners have the roof corrosion problem, and as my California is over six years old VW won’t correct the problem which I consider unfair and unacceptable. If you are interested in clubbing together to seek a joint legal opinion for claim or block of small claims (up to £10,000) against VW, please contact stephen.crossley@sportsmanshipfirst.co.uk

Please see the comprehensive history of the issue courtesy for first article to Ewan Mearns


VW California roof corrosion – Key facts – Wild about Scotland
At the time of writing (February 2017) a survey on the UK California Club Forum shows how many owners have reported roof corrosion: 40% front panel only (154 vans)


VW California T5 ONLY Roof Corrosion - General Discussion ...
Blistering Paintwork Front Roof Pannel Hi All, Anyone else have blistering paint work on the front pannel of the roof? I'm talking about the metal...
I am wondering if someone did an analysis on external factors of the corrosion probability.
I have the Oct 2013 California, white, living in Slovenia (with not so humid climate), spending cca. 90 nights in the van per year in all seasons and regularly using the pop-up roof. I check both the roof and the front panel regularly and - no sign of any corrosion so far, even under the seals.... I knock on wood, but I suppose it is not just a matter of luck?
I report that I have taken advice and I am presently waiting a response from VW via 'Resolver' to the principal complaint issue. VW have acknowledged the complaint. I have proposed to VW that I intend seeking a decision from The Motoring Ombudsman.
My Oct 2013 (2014) Cali SE has never had a problem with the front panel. However the pop up roof did have a corrosion issue and was re-painted by my local Hawco VW Paint Shop in Inverness less than 2 years ago. Recent checking under the black seal is showing some faint bubbling again. This has been reported again(with photos) to VW. The outcome is awaited.
This information has been kindly supplied by @Ewan from Wild About Scotland

Roof Corrosion Key Facts
I have been persuing my roof repair since 2013. At last I have a date for the pick up for repair. My local dealer has done what he can to push this but my VW customer service person left without leaving any info for his replacement. Anyway after chasing the repair and getting a new set of photos its being repaired. I'll let you know how it looks.
From personal experience.
I wouldn’t let VW touch the roof. My old Beach was never the same after the fix.

I’m sure my T6 will be affected at some point. I will pay for a good local body shop to strip back and repaint.

It’s not ideal...
But what else can we do...?
for reference


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