


T6 Cali On Order
Hello hello
Just joined the forum and looking forward to gaining some advice from those who have gone before..
Doing the research before purchase stage.
We Live in Cumbria so will hopefully, be exploring Scotland and having holidays down in the Southwest and across to France,
Awaiting a house sale to complete before we part with the money.
Looks like a coast with about 4k of extras is going to save us about 5-6k over the Ocean, as we need things like towbar, heated screen etc which would be extras on the Ocean, anyway this forum looks great!

I think the best peice of advice that anyone can give you is to be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at how you are likely to use your van. Be realistic because whilst we all have plans to go off for weeks on end the realities of life often prevent that. Take your time and thoroughly analyse your likely needs and usage. Apoart from the Grand California and the newly announced Mini version, there are now four options to choose from, that is if we are talking brand new:
1. Ocean
2. Coast
3. Beach - Camper
4. Beach - Tour
Have a look at each version in the flesh and do your research properly. DON'T do what some new owners probably do and buy the top of the range model with every concievable option in order to cover every eventuality. Very nice though that might be, it may not be the best fit to you personal circs. So think it through carefully and buy your vehilcle and options with your head and not your heart.

Good luck.
:welcome Hope the forum helps with your research before you order.
Thanks for your reply and taken advice onboard
We like open water swimming, water sports etc in our home area of the Lakes so van would get used weekly to aid the warming up and brewing facilities, yes a visit to a showroom will be on the cards, sadly no vow dealers in Cumbria sell the California

I think the best peice of advice that anyone can give you is to be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at how you are likely to use your van. Be realistic because whilst we all have plans to go off for weeks on end the realities of life often prevent that. Take your time and thoroughly analyse your likely needs and usage. Apoart from the Grand California and the newly announced Mini version, there are now four options to choose from, that is if we are talking brand new:
1. Ocean
2. Coast
3. Beach - Camper
4. Beach - Tour
Have a look at each version in the flesh and do your research properly. DON'T do what some new owners probably do and buy the top of the range model with every concievable option in order to cover every eventuality. Very nice though that might be, it may not be the best fit to you personal circs. So think it through carefully and buy your vehilcle and options with your head and not your heart.

Good luck.
Wise words :)

I think the best peice of advice that anyone can give you is to be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at how you are likely to use your van. Be realistic because whilst we all have plans to go off for weeks on end the realities of life often prevent that. Take your time and thoroughly analyse your likely needs and usage. Apoart from the Grand California and the newly announced Mini version, there are now four options to choose from, that is if we are talking brand new:
1. Ocean
2. Coast
3. Beach - Camper
4. Beach - Tour
Have a look at each version in the flesh and do your research properly. DON'T do what some new owners probably do and buy the top of the range model with every concievable option in order to cover every eventuality. Very nice though that might be, it may not be the best fit to you personal circs. So think it through carefully and buy your vehilcle and options with your head and not your heart.

Good luck.
As the op is into water sports there's another option in the VW range.
5. Canal - Barge

I think the best peice of advice that anyone can give you is to be honest with yourself and take a long hard look at how you are likely to use your van. Be realistic because whilst we all have plans to go off for weeks on end the realities of life often prevent that. Take your time and thoroughly analyse your likely needs and usage. Apoart from the Grand California and the newly announced Mini version, there are now four options to choose from, that is if we are talking brand new:
1. Ocean
2. Coast
3. Beach - Camper
4. Beach - Tour
Have a look at each version in the flesh and do your research properly. DON'T do what some new owners probably do and buy the top of the range model with every concievable option in order to cover every eventuality. Very nice though that might be, it may not be the best fit to you personal circs. So think it through carefully and buy your vehilcle and options with your head and not your heart.

Good luck.
correct, I can't add much to that; it is by no means necessary for everyone to buy the most expensive. We didn't do this either: the coast (if you want the cupboards and kitchen with water tanks and sink and so on, otherwise beach - also two versions), so the coast with options that you consider necessary, is always a lot cheaper than an ocean. You choose what you want and how much you want to pay when the delivery arrives; we are already doing an incredible upgrade from an almost 30 year old T4 westfalia to the ordered coast with 150 hp and dsg and air conditioning, rear window camera with sensors all around. 5th seat, heater, build in sat nav, fog lights and some trifles and still 8,000 euros cheaper than an ocean with the same options (standard with ocean or not) and the same discount off (here with us). Then the ocean has some very expensive high tech stuff that I don't need. The choice was quickly made for us because if there was no coast, we did not buy a new california.
That's how it went with us, now you have to decide what is important to you and how you want your California ;)
Happy configurating! (I know I did it for hours and hours :))
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