Newbie What van?

  • Thread starter Outofboundsinyorkshire
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So we are seriously considering a van. We want to trade in our x5 and have the van for short getaways and a second runner. So everyone, here’s a couple of questions:
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.
* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?
* would you recommend a grand cali? We’ll probably be taking short trips away but will need the second car option occasionally. The grand cali is bigger- not sure I’d feel confident around town or do you just get used to the drive.
* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?
* the grand cali seems to have some teething issues. Have they been sorted out? What’s the shower like? Does it heat up?

Many questions-sorry. But it’s a big purchase and wait ! and we want to get the right one for us
Ps we are not very handy so we need easy and less hassle travel and van.
Thank you all
The ocean is an easy, around town, park anywhere, daily driver. I sold my estate and haven’t missed it at all.

Three toilet issue is a preference. We don’t have one, we never needed one when we traveled distance in the estate car and we always stop in campsites that have facilities. Even at a recent festival we preferred to use the tardis toilets over a porta potti 335 we bought just in case.

For me an ocean is perfect as it fits in everything you ’need’ and very little of your ‘wants’. The wants are great but where do they end? Separate bed, satellite tv, disco floor, swimming pool. When all you satisfy are needs it’s amazing how much time you spend outdoors enjoying life.
Is an Ocean easy to drive etc, yes, great.
Don't have issues with no toilet.
I'd stick with an Ocean as a replacement for X5 for everyday use, size!
Use the campsite facilities, instead of driving around all the time with a toilet and shower, and end up not using them.
We sleep two people down stairs, but we are thin, and are also tent campers, so used to a little discomfort.
The interior of a Cali is v small, not for everyone.
Consider a Beach with an awning.
here’s a couple of questions:
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.
Yes, it's pretty easy to park and drive.

* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?
Don't have one, if I did it would probably be unused.

* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy?
The 6.1 with the springs is not bad. Took me 2 or 3 nights to get used to it. Sleep really well now.

Ignored the questions I don't have informed opinions on.
So we are seriously considering a van. We want to trade in our x5 and have the van for short getaways and a second runner. So everyone, here’s a couple of questions:
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.
* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?
* would you recommend a grand cali? We’ll probably be taking short trips away but will need the second car option occasionally. The grand cali is bigger- not sure I’d feel confident around town or do you just get used to the drive.
* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?
* the grand cali seems to have some teething issues. Have they been sorted out? What’s the shower like? Does it heat up?

Many questions-sorry. But it’s a big purchase and wait ! and we want to get the right one for us
Ps we are not very handy so we need easy and less hassle travel and van.
Thank you all
Cali is hardly any bigger than a X5. The roof bed which most people use most of the time effectively makes the the California equivalent to a vehicle a metre longer and taller.
Why wouldn't you carry a Thetford cube, if only for emergencies, plenty of room for it and it functions in exactly the same way as any other "chemical" toilet used in all other caravans/campers, just not fixed and about half their capacity.
The grand is a different proposition, like all high roof vans you will not have the same parking options and they are just not as handy/economical. The shower works fine but the space is tight and like all such things depend on how much water you have on board and your tolerance to making the rest of the van "a bit humid".
Most people hire first, give it a few days, try both.
For short getaways I think a Grand Cali would be too much. A California can easily be used on a daily basis and in terms of size would have a very similar footprint to an X5. It is very easy to drive and we have no problems parking it on the street in London. It is also under 2m high so will fit in most car parks.

Do you even need all the facilities of the Ocean? The Beach Camper may be a good option. The 6.1 now comes with a single burner stove and you can keep a PortaPotti in the back for emergencies if you desire.

For us, we chose a Beach as our only vehicle. We didn’t feel we wanted to be driving every day with all the extras of the Ocean, although there will be many others on here who are happy to do just that. We wanted the king size bed but didn’t feel we needed a sink for washing up with the hassle of filling, emptying and cleaning water tanks.

My suggestion is to have a serious think about what you really need from a van for the kind of trips you would like to do. With such an expensive purchase it is not a decision to be taken lightly.
We have an Ocean. It is about the same floor space as a large family saloon/estate. It is super easy to drive even on single track roads in Scotland. It fits in car parks easily - even multi story. I am happy to use it as a normal car. We put the small porta poti in the cupboard under the sink for emergency use. One of the best things about it is that we just keep everything in the van and can head off for a day or two with no preparation. We considered a Grand but it would not fit in our garage and was just too big. I also didn’t like driving it. One point is that there are just two of us and no pets - so we have plenty of space in the Ocean. I have seen families of four with 3 dogs and that looks more crowded
Brilliant and very helpful answers. Much to think about but v def not a Grand cali ! Thank you
Brilliant and very helpful answers. Much to think about but v def not a Grand cali ! Thank you

Hi there!
Try to rent/hire a Tx to get an idea about driving around, try to hire a Campervan (any model) to get an idea if sleeping in a van is something for you and your needs. Were you camping before? Or slept in the X5?
Hope you find what you're looking for
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Agree with all the comments so far. We hired a couple of times to make sure we got with driving the Cali, and more importantly, we got on with camping in a van. VW van centres used to hire demo vans and there was a choice on engines. From an X5 you might feel best in a 200PS 4 motion, but we have a 150 and it’s a great drive (other car is a AWD SUV).
So we are seriously considering a van. We want to trade in our x5 and have the van for short getaways and a second runner. So everyone, here’s a couple of questions:
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.
* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?
* would you recommend a grand cali? We’ll probably be taking short trips away but will need the second car option occasionally. The grand cali is bigger- not sure I’d feel confident around town or do you just get used to the drive.
* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?
* the grand cali seems to have some teething issues. Have they been sorted out? What’s the shower like? Does it heat up?

Many questions-sorry. But it’s a big purchase and wait ! and we want to get the right one for us
Ps we are not very handy so we need easy and less hassle travel and van.
Thank you all
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.

Super easy with the footprint of an estate car. Being just under 2m high gets in all car parks and slots in a normal space.

* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?

Do you miss a toilet in your car? When travelling we use service stations. At site they have them there. During night we have the good old 335. It really is a non issue.

* would you recommend a grand cali? We’ll probably be taking short trips away but will need the second car option occasionally. The grand cali is bigger- not sure I’d feel confident around town or do you just get used to the drive.

You would not get it into the same car parks or slot it around as easily. The GC is a step up in height and length and more like driving a Luton. Depends on what you want it for. We found the Cali more flexible for our needs. They are very different vehicles in reality. Given your loo question maybe a GC is more what you actually want and just want some persuasion?

* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?

Super comfy. We find top better than bottom.We also used the S2S Matreess last trip and was excellent. All a lot more faff than a GC though - see last reply. My understanding is the main GC bed is in the back - up top, if you get it, is a single bed for "teenage guests".

* the grand cali seems to have some teething issues. Have they been sorted out? What’s the shower like? Does it heat up?

Teething issues are part of the fun ;-). TBH, its a VW with 3 yr Warranty extendable to 5. Issues or not, they tend to get fixed. It's not really a reason to not get one. Again - see previous answer - feels to me a GC is actually what you want/need.
* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?
Just mulling over the question about the top bed. It’s not uncomfortable, but the foam mattress is thin (so it doesn’t interfere with the roof I guess). It’s a very personal thing, body weight/ shape/ age/ condition are all factors. After living with ours for 6 months, we’re on the lookout for a suitable topper. We’ve got an Outdoor Revolution self inflating mattress, mostly for sleeping in the awning or downstairs. We’ve tried it upstairs and it’s very comfy, but not super practical when it comes to deflating and going out for the day.

The nearest to the spec we have seen is a Duvalay topper, coming in two parts, rollable, and costing £230. Dunelm do thin toppers for £22 to £30 that can be rolled, but not the right width. We’d love to find a topper, just to add a bit more ‘give’ to the top bed, that’s rollable / foldable, and not inflating.
So we are seriously considering a van. We want to trade in our x5 and have the van for short getaways and a second runner. So everyone, here’s a couple of questions:
* is the cali ocean an easy drive/parking/etc to be used as a town runner? the x5 is fairly big and I’m used to that.
* do you really miss a toilet in the van or do you easily get by with a porta loo?
* would you recommend a grand cali? We’ll probably be taking short trips away but will need the second car option occasionally. The grand cali is bigger- not sure I’d feel confident around town or do you just get used to the drive.
* sleeping up top. Is the Ocean up top bunk comfy? The grand cali up top looks small. Can you get a thin topper for it?
* the grand cali seems to have some teething issues. Have they been sorted out? What’s the shower like? Does it heat up?

Many questions-sorry. But it’s a big purchase and wait ! and we want to get the right one for us
Ps we are not very handy so we need easy and less hassle travel and van.
Thank you all
We have had an Ocean as 2nd car for two years now. Very easy replacement of a large family car.

Main drawback is just 4seats.
Top bed super comfy IMHO and ours is a T6 not the new T6.1

Portapotty on board - it gets used not for emergency but to avoid going out on a night wee and wake partner/son up.

Used for many short trips sometimes on campsites but mainly stopping where convenient/beautiful.
Only thing we need to add for a trip is food and appropriate clothes.

On board kitchen used a lot for fun evening out with friends, in lovely spots.

Also used a lot as mobile office. Kitchen and heater essential.

It has also been used as a van when moving furniture :)

No regrets. A Grand Cali would have been wasted and a Westfalia Kepler one just did not have the luggage capacity I need.

Rear shower very useful IMHO
Just mulling over the question about the top bed. It’s not uncomfortable, but the foam mattress is thin (so it doesn’t interfere with the roof I guess). It’s a very personal thing, body weight/ shape/ age/ condition are all factors. After living with ours for 6 months, we’re on the lookout for a suitable topper. We’ve got an Outdoor Revolution self inflating mattress, mostly for sleeping in the awning or downstairs. We’ve tried it upstairs and it’s very comfy, but not super practical when it comes to deflating and going out for the day.

The nearest to the spec we have seen is a Duvalay topper, coming in two parts, rollable, and costing £230. Dunelm do thin toppers for £22 to £30 that can be rolled, but not the right width. We’d love to find a topper, just to add a bit more ‘give’ to the top bed, that’s rollable / foldable, and not inflating.
Why not get cut to size, these foams are the same as duvalay (they do not make the foam just add covers)
Thanks for all the super replies. So we hope to order a cali 4 motion (we need 4 wheel drive where we live) in the next week or do due to the wait list. The range of extras is exhausting to understand and our lack of experience means we could make unnecessary and incorrect purchases. So: wait for it. In an ideal world, looking at the extras list again. What would you include to
make your trips very easy and simple and comfortable.
If we can buy a better topper for example than the one vw sell should we do that? Cupboards, safe, sat nav, bigger fuel reserve, omg the list is endless. So if you’ve got a bit of time, what are you pleased you included, what do you wish you’d avoided, what’s nice to have if finances allow.
In other words, what’s your dream cali from scratch list if you could have anything worth having on the extras list?
Ps. We like as much comfort as possible, sleep is important as is easy driving and easy set up.
Thank you Cali club
Thanks for all the super replies. So we hope to order a cali 4 motion (we need 4 wheel drive where we live) in the next week or do due to the wait list. The range of extras is exhausting to understand and our lack of experience means we could make unnecessary and incorrect purchases. So: wait for it. In an ideal world, looking at the extras list again. What would you include to
make your trips very easy and simple and comfortable.
If we can buy a better topper for example than the one vw sell should we do that? Cupboards, safe, sat nav, bigger fuel reserve, omg the list is endless. So if you’ve got a bit of time, what are you pleased you included, what do you wish you’d avoided, what’s nice to have if finances allow.
In other words, what’s your dream cali from scratch list if you could have anything worth having on the extras list?
Ps. We like as much comfort as possible, sleep is important as is easy driving and easy set up.
Thank you Cali club
One thing I would say about the beds is that they are a bit like a futon, when they were fashionable. Not exactly comfortable in a luxurious sense, but once you spend a few nights getting used to a firmer cushion they make for a very restful nights sleep.
However if either of you is a Princess and the Pea type then all the toppers in the world might just be enough.
Hi there!
Try to rent/hire a Tx to get an idea about driving around, try to hire a Campervan (any model) to get an idea if sleeping in a van is something for you and your needs. Were you camping before? Or slept in the X5?
Hope you find what you're looking for
Yes we’ve done 2 trips. Needed an idea how to store stuff to stop it flying out around roundabouts :)
Thanks for all the super replies. So we hope to order a cali 4 motion (we need 4 wheel drive where we live) in the next week or do due to the wait list. The range of extras is exhausting to understand and our lack of experience means we could make unnecessary and incorrect purchases. So: wait for it. In an ideal world, looking at the extras list again. What would you include to
make your trips very easy and simple and comfortable.
If we can buy a better topper for example than the one vw sell should we do that? Cupboards, safe, sat nav, bigger fuel reserve, omg the list is endless. So if you’ve got a bit of time, what are you pleased you included, what do you wish you’d avoided, what’s nice to have if finances allow.
In other words, what’s your dream cali from scratch list if you could have anything worth having on the extras list?
Ps. We like as much comfort as possible, sleep is important as is easy driving and easy set up.
Thank you Cali club
The Ocean comes very well specified as standard. What would I include?

Standard colour- Ascot Grey. Nice colour with plenty of options for later lower wrap.
Tow bar Prep - if you think you may need a tow bar in future.
Art Velours seats - standard seats mark very easily and really need covers.
Mud flaps - if you want them get them factory fitted.
Comfort mattress- I have the T6 and it is quite firm, which works well for us. I know it has changed in 6.1 though.

That’s about it for me :)
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Thanks for all the super replies. So we hope to order a cali 4 motion (we need 4 wheel drive where we live) in the next week or do due to the wait list. The range of extras is exhausting to understand and our lack of experience means we could make unnecessary and incorrect purchases. So: wait for it. In an ideal world, looking at the extras list again. What would you include to
make your trips very easy and simple and comfortable.
If we can buy a better topper for example than the one vw sell should we do that? Cupboards, safe, sat nav, bigger fuel reserve, omg the list is endless. So if you’ve got a bit of time, what are you pleased you included, what do you wish you’d avoided, what’s nice to have if finances allow.
In other words, what’s your dream cali from scratch list if you could have anything worth having on the extras list?
Ps. We like as much comfort as possible, sleep is important as is easy driving and easy set up.
Thank you Cali club
Rear shower a must for us
velour seats are lovely
comfort mat is really nice but we didn't try the regular one :)
LED headlights
interior lights package (our is a 2020 T6)
Thanks for all the super replies. So we hope to order a cali 4 motion (we need 4 wheel drive where we live) in the next week or do due to the wait list. The range of extras is exhausting to understand and our lack of experience means we could make unnecessary and incorrect purchases. So: wait for it. In an ideal world, looking at the extras list again. What would you include to
make your trips very easy and simple and comfortable.
If we can buy a better topper for example than the one vw sell should we do that? Cupboards, safe, sat nav, bigger fuel reserve, omg the list is endless. So if you’ve got a bit of time, what are you pleased you included, what do you wish you’d avoided, what’s nice to have if finances allow.
In other words, what’s your dream cali from scratch list if you could have anything worth having on the extras list?
Ps. We like as much comfort as possible, sleep is important as is easy driving and easy set up.
Thank you Cali club
Towbar (if you want to take bikes on a towbar carrier)
Difflock (no point having 4m & no difflock)
Wooden look floor. (Looks great, but if you putting dirty shoes in side, also use a mat from Dunelm)
High beam assist.
Discover media Pro (removes unsightly buttons)
Shower connection
2nd drawer in bench seat (but no, if you need to use skis or want to push a very long thing through into that space?)
4 remote keys (cheap, can get a ghost installed, and then leave one under the van in a locked box) incase you get locked out. Lose a key etc.
Standard cloth seats treated with Scotchgaurd. Without protection, yes they mark stupidly easy without protection, but much nicer in hot weather.
“Discover media Pro (removes unsightly buttons)”
At over £350 per button, this seems a very expensive aesthetic upgrade!
I would spend that kind of money on a bear lock instead.
“Discover media Pro (removes unsightly buttons)”
At over £350 per button, this seems a very expensive aesthetic upgrade!
I would spend that kind of money on a bear lock instead.
I’d have the Pro and a ghost if you can afford it.
Also with Pro, you get sat Nav in front of you.
So I can see VW sat Nav streets in front of me and Waze on the middle screen.

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