Ozzy Pete
Yesterday I commented on the harrowing experience my wife and I went through
when we crossed on Brittany ferries from Portsmouth to Caen on the 2.45 sailing
and 9.30 docking.
My story was deleted completely when comments by others could have been edited.
Telling the whole sordid story I was called a racist because I mentioned the skin colour
of the scumbags that tried to Rob us.
The purpose of my tale was to warn fellow travellers that it’s not all as rosy as we would
like it to be in a perfect world.
The only safe place to stay is a proper recognised camp site.. Full stop.
when we crossed on Brittany ferries from Portsmouth to Caen on the 2.45 sailing
and 9.30 docking.
My story was deleted completely when comments by others could have been edited.
Telling the whole sordid story I was called a racist because I mentioned the skin colour
of the scumbags that tried to Rob us.
The purpose of my tale was to warn fellow travellers that it’s not all as rosy as we would
like it to be in a perfect world.
The only safe place to stay is a proper recognised camp site.. Full stop.