VIP Member
The 04s bellows first outing in light-moderate rain - leaking from vertical and horizontal seams, dripping on both passenger and driver seats. Not good.
Rhiannon's number is 0800 7834 909, but every time I called it (to return her call) it went to voicemail. It's easier to start with an email and provide your number so that she can call you - which from my experience, she was very good at doing.Hi there,
I'm not sure if the last of the factory built Calis got the 06S bellows fitted.
I do think it would be reasonable to ask the dealership to carry out a leak test on your van before taking delivery and for them to fit a set of 06S bellows if any leaks are found.
Far better for them to do this whilst they have the van sat there, than you taking delivery, finding leaks and having to book it back in for a warranty replacement.
If they are unwilling to do this, I would contact Rhiannon at the VW Executive Office and seek her support. I don't have a phone number (hopefully someone reading this may have a number), but the email is executive.office@vwcv.co.uk
The tag is stuck on a tensioning slat. Hard to see with the bellows installed unfortunately.Slightly off topic, but related, where can I find the bellows label that would tell me what version I have, please?
I don't know if it's been removed by the previous owner, but the Cali is a MY20 Sept 2020 Cali 6.1
I just need to find out what a tensioning slat looks like The tag is stuck on a tensioning slat. Hard to see with the bellows installed unfortunately.
Thanks buddy, much appreciatedIt's the flat piece of hard plastic that pulls the fabric in when the the poptop is closed. One on each side halfway along poptop.
The first double layer belows were fitted to November 2022 vans onwards. Are your bellows not the old style single layer ones? The confusion at the start of bellows gate, were the part numbers did not change with different versions of the bellows. It's very hard to see the part number. The part number is on the drivers side (uk) top end of the front plastic stut/spring plastic bit, pull the fabric down, it's tight and hard to see all of it.Slightly off topic, but related, where can I find the bellows label that would tell me what version I have, please?
I don't know if it's been removed by the previous owner, but the Cali is a MY20 Sept 2020 Cali 6.1
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