Advice please after van damage by dealer



Back in the Beach
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T6 Beach 150
Well my Beach went in to the dealer for a warranty replacement sliding door lock actuator. After waiting 4 hours for the repair, they advised me of some damage to the bodywork and will need the van at some point to be taken to a specialist body shop in Cambridge, which may take several days. Not much I can do about that, but very annoying. They never cleaned the van either, which they said they would do. The damage is at the back of the door by the C pillar and happened when the door dropped apparently.

However, I have taken a look at the door today and there are more problems.
- The C pillar interior door panel is not fitted properly.
- The catch at the back of the door that holds it open no longer works and it just bounces off the rubber stops. It also looks like there may be a cover missing for the two bolts above the catch, but I’m not sure.
- The door blind does not seem to operate properly now.
- Black grubby marks on all the panels around the sliding door window, on the floor, table, and even on the headlining.

I plan write to the head of aftersales this evening but not quite sure how to approach it. Any advice would be appreciated.




Please, what dealer done that. I want to avoid them like the plague.
Sorry to hear the problems , that is a truly school boy error.

Best way to approach it is send the photos backing up a polite complaint, asking what the dealer intends to do about the many issues they have created and what vehicle they will provide whilst yours is repaired and what recompense they will provide as compensation.
If you don't get the response and care your looking for , inform VW U.K.

Regarding the issues, I think you know the answer already the trim is not fitted correctly,
The door catch is missing a spring mechanism which operates the latch.

The paint damage is an easy fix that should not show when done properly

The damage looks like they "accidentally " undid the whole door ( probably the top bracket) and it has done the resulting damage, check the three brackets are not bent and the whole door sits correctly.

Truly unbelievable that you went in to get a problem fixed and came out with more issues than you went in with.

Edit : Photo 2 looks like white primer showing through the paint on the curve ? (Above tge sliding bottom bracket )

Check the door panel for damage and if it's fitted correctly

Edit 2
The whole area around the bottom bracket looks scratched ? Is this how it was when it went in ?
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That's a shocker but sadly about par for the course.

Per previous post a complaint to the head of service / warranty listing every issue with photos.

Don't be tempted to "show" them the issues before you've put something in writing which details the whole experience.
Sorry to hear the problems , that is a truly school boy error.

Best way to approach it is send the photos backing up a polite complaint, asking what the dealer intends to do about the many issues they have created and what vehicle they will provide whilst yours is repaired and what recompense they will provide as compensation.
If you don't get the response and care your looking for , inform VW U.K.

Regarding the issues, I think you know the answer already the trim is not fitted correctly,
The door catch is missing a spring mechanism which operates the latch.

The paint damage is an easy fix that should not show when done properly

The damage looks like they "accidentally " undid the whole door ( probably the top bracket) and it has done the resulting damage, check the three brackets are not bent and the whole door sits correctly.

Truly unbelievable that you went in to get a problem fixed and came out with more issues than you went in with.

Edit : Photo 2 looks like white primer showing through the paint on the curve ? (Above tge sliding bottom bracket )

Check the door panel for damage and if it's fitted correctly

Edit 2
The whole area around the bottom bracket looks scratched ? Is this how it was when it went in ?
Thanks for your help @Perfectos
The interior panel seems to not be attached properly. Part of one of the clips is visible in the photo. Could this be from when the door dropped and it hit the bodywork? I can’t imagine they needed to remove it to fix the actuator.

I’m guessing all the grubby hand marks are from when they’ve tried to lift the door back into place.

Yes the paint on the curved panel does look like primer. I can’t tell if it is dented but a proper repair would sort it all out.

I have no idea how to tell if the brackets have been bent, but to door does seem to open and close ok.

I have seen more damage this morning. This is near the B pillar on the lower runner which has also damaged the bodywork. Photo below. It looks like the lower door catch has also hit the bodywork. So the door must have dropped when it was almost closed.

Edit: yes I know it does look dirty! It only had a clean a few weeks ago but it’s been through some atrocious weather!

You must get this into writing, delivered to the business, not a named individual, and get proof of delivery.

Keep your letter calm and polite, and as suggested make a logical timeline of events and photos.

Ask them what they are going to do to resolve matters, and when.

Ask them for a response, with a cut off date, after which you reserve the right to take matters further.

Lastly you could state “Without Prejudice” at the top, implying that nothing stated within your letter can prejudice your rights or the ongoing settlement of the claim. This usually elevates it immediately within the organisation.
Thanks for your help @Perfectos
The interior panel seems to not be attached properly. Part of one of the clips is visible in the photo. Could this be from when the door dropped and it hit the bodywork? I can’t imagine they needed to remove it to fix the actuator.

I’m guessing all the grubby hand marks are from when they’ve tried to lift the door back into place.

Yes the paint on the curved panel does look like primer. I can’t tell if it is dented but a proper repair would sort it all out.

I have no idea how to tell if the brackets have been bent, but to door does seem to open and close ok.

I have seen more damage this morning. This is near the B pillar on the lower runner which has also damaged the bodywork. Photo below. It looks like the lower door catch has also hit the bodywork. So the door must have dropped when it was almost closed.

Edit: yes I know it does look dirty! It only had a clean a few weeks ago but it’s been through some atrocious weather!

View attachment 132960
If the dealer is not going to arrange the repair, Take it to a VW body shop.
This ensures there is not future issue with VW and your garage.

If the dealer is not going yo provide a replacement vehicle insist the body shop provide one at additional cost to the repair, which will be chatrged directly to the Dealer (all costs) if you have any issues ask the dealer for their insurance details so you can make a claim for negligence and damage.

Did the dealer rectify the warranty issue with the lock ?
If you need any comparison photos, please ask. It sometime helps to have a reference

Edit, I would say someone has fully opened and close your door whilst the top mount was undone allowing the door to literally drag along the bodywork. Shameful service and shows a severe lack of knowledge by the technicians.

You need to check the bottom of the sliding door for damage to the paintwork, otherwise this may be missed in the repair. If the door is damage / requires paint, the door will need to come off the van
Thanks @Perfectos. They have already admitted liability for the most obvious paint damage they showed me a photo of. However, I have now had the van properly cleaned today and have discovered damage to the drivers door and sill, damage to the bottom rear corner of the sliding door, which is now dented and some scratches to the rear wheel arch. Also the interior panel at the bottom of the sliding door window does not seem to be fixed properly at the back. A letter is being drafted. I’ve wasted hours on this already and it’s likely the problems are only just beginning…
After the oil purge debacle its clear some dealers should not be in business let alone be factory accredited stealerships.
Whilst I cannot offer any useful advice, I am really sorry to see what has happened to your lovely Red Cali. I am sure it will get sorted. It's bad enough when someone prangs your parked van which is what happened to us. However , the dealer doing that is unbelievable!
Thanks @Perfectos. They have already admitted liability for the most obvious paint damage they showed me a photo of. However, I have now had the van properly cleaned today and have discovered damage to the drivers door and sill, damage to the bottom rear corner of the sliding door, which is now dented and some scratches to the rear wheel arch. Also the interior panel at the bottom of the sliding door window does not seem to be fixed properly at the back. A letter is being drafted. I’ve wasted hours on this already and it’s likely the problems are only just beginning…
I feared as much.

Document all the Damage with photos, ask for the dealers insurance details as a formal request and get some quotes from VW pain shops.

The sliding door / table panel has a lot of clips holding the panel on, it's a bigger to get off without these breaking ( when removing the door panels) when replacing the panel it requires form presses to get the fixings to clamp the panel properly.
If tgd door is damaged, I sit tge door is taken off the van for repair, in which case the trim will need to be stripped fully and replaced post repair.

If you need a picture of the back of the door panel, so you can see the fixing points, let me know, I have posted one before.

What a nightmare, you have my sympathy.
See post #35 for an image of the rear of the sliding door panel

See post #35 for an image of the rear of the sliding door panel

Thank you, that’s helpful. Do all the door panels need to be removed to replace the door lock actuator?
Thank you, that’s helpful. Do all the door panels need to be removed to replace the door lock actuator?
It depends what's failed and if you have power latching etc.

The rear latch that pulls the rear of the sliding door closed is housed in the panel under the CPillar. Photo 1
To access the motor the long trim panel needs to be removed as well as the CPillar trim.

The lock that latches the door closed (locked) is located in the rear of the sliding door. Photo 2
To access the lock the door panel and upper trim needs to be removed fully, along with the trim around the internal pull handle (small torx stew holding it on) and window

It looks like they may well have had yours totally apart, i would hazard a guess that the technician could not access the sliding door properly therefore released the top mounts (two screws) to allow better access to the sliding door, I would imagine they operated the door whilst the top mount was disconnected, which would be consistent with the damage you described. (School boy error)

I hope the above helps


Thanks again! No power latching on my Beach so I presume they’ve had the whole panel off.

Now it’s been cleaned I can see the damage to the bottom rear corner of the sliding door. Question is, what did it hit to cause the damage?

Also the drivers door and sill.




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