Insurance repair



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T5 SE 140 4Motion
Someone drove into the back of our Cali on the M6 this morning. Back door badly bent and won’t open so can’t assess damage to chairs etc. Sliding door sticking. Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage. Do we need to insist on VW specialist? Or specific Cali place? Any advice welcome please. Liz
I would be inclined to request a VW approved workshop should have access to VW expertise if needed
Someone drove into the back of our Cali on the M6 this morning. Back door badly bent and won’t open so can’t assess damage to chairs etc. Sliding door sticking. Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage. Do we need to insist on VW specialist? Or specific Cali place? Any advice welcome please. Liz
Sorry to hear this, had it happen to our Landcruiser, it’s incredibly frustrating.
Personally I would insist it went to a VW approved workshop even if it increased any excess I had to pay. Hope you get sorted, update us with any progress.
I would insist it went to a VW approved workshop
Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage.
Is that your insurance company or theirs. I had this issue a few years ago the 3rd party were trying to send van to some "unknown repairer" I worked with my insurance company who sorted VW approved Bodyshop - all bills paid by 3rd party and hassle dealt with my the legal cover part of my cover.
There are plenty of vehicle repair shops that are quite capable of doing simple repair work to a very high standard. You don’t need a “VW approved” repair shop but what you do need is a repair shop with a very good reputation for excellence. I’ve had repair work done in a “VW approved” repair shop and quite honestly was not up to the standard I would have expected. I’m not saying you let some back street one man business do the work. Many insurance companies will make sure the work that is done is to the highest standards and sometimes give a lifetime warranty on any repair work undertaken for them.
I think I am reasonably knowledgable on this as I did a 5 year apprenticeship in motor body repair.
You can of course use whichever repairer you wish and neither your own nor the third party's insurer can insist that you go with their choice. It's your van.

I'm sure Ozzy's comments are worth thinking about - ie what matters is the general competence of the body shop, not whether they have a VW badge of some kind. The repairers that insurance companies have arrangements with will usually I think be pretty good, as the insurers don't want any comeback.

Your insurer may not provide a "courtesy car" if you go with your own repairer (because then they won't be getting a back-hander from the repair shop), check the small print on that. Although if the fault is with the third party - as it sounds like it was in this case - there will still probably be a credit hire company chomping at the bit to provide a loan car, at very high profit margins. Or of course you can hire a temporary vehicle yourself elsewhere and claim the costs back, even though your insurer will hate it if you do that (again, because no profit in it for them).
I've found that if an 'insurance company approved' repairer was used, work more often than not starts without a visit from the company's adjuster. Otherwise a visit is needed from a company man to ok the repair which from time to time added a good few days to the process.
It could be that the rear door can only be opened with
a bit of butchering from the inside.

I would remove the rear mattress and board if possible, the bench seat
too, although that is a big heavy job.
I personally wouldn't let anyone near my van unless they had a 7yr
apprenticeship under their belt. :)
Someone drove into the back of our Cali on the M6 this morning. Back door badly bent and won’t open so can’t assess damage to chairs etc. Sliding door sticking. Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage. Do we need to insist on VW specialist? Or specific Cali place? Any advice welcome please. Liz
If the collision has caused the sliding door to be affected then the damage could be more severe than it might at first appear.
Has it been assessed yet?
Sliding door sticking!! How badly is the main structure distorted? If it is distorted at all then the vehicle is a write-off.
If you have any suspicions that the above is correct ensure that it is professionally checked out in case some unscrupulous repairer tries to repair it.

Sorry to be so blunt.
Without seeing the vehicle everyone is just guessing. Let’s just wait and see what report comes back. But if it is a write off which is highly unlikely, you can bet your life every single undamaged part will end up in a T5 transporter somewhere . All the valuable parts are at the front of the vehicle.
Thanks for helpful replies. I contacted VW customer care who in turn contacted their nearest approved body shop. They need specific photos which we will send. Main concern now is any damage to internal fittings like the camping chairs, shelves, cupboard doors etc which a body shop do not repair or replace. Van still away (co-owner on 3 night break). So photos etc Friday morning. Sliding door appears okay it will insist on a proper check. Very very sad about our beautiful van .
Thanks for helpful replies. I contacted VW customer care who in turn contacted their nearest approved body shop. They need specific photos which we will send. Main concern now is any damage to internal fittings like the camping chairs, shelves, cupboard doors etc which a body shop do not repair or replace. Van still away (co-owner on 3 night break). So photos etc Friday morning. Sliding door appears okay it will insist on a proper check. Very very sad about our beautiful van .
Depends on your insurance policy but some companies cover all the installed ‘camping equipment’ in the van i.e. Comfort Insurance.
Depends on your insurance policy but some companies cover all the installed ‘camping equipment’ in the van i.e. Comfort Insurance.
All insurance companies cover anything factory fitted. The grey area is things like a kitchen pod fitted to a Beach
If its 100% other parties fault & they have insurance, it really doesn't matter what your insurance does & doesn't cover, The third parties insurance should be footing the bill for the lot including alternative accommodation if needed if away.
Thanks for helpful replies. I contacted VW customer care who in turn contacted their nearest approved body shop. They need specific photos which we will send. Main concern now is any damage to internal fittings like the camping chairs, shelves, cupboard doors etc which a body shop do not repair or replace. Van still away (co-owner on 3 night break). So photos etc Friday morning. Sliding door appears okay it will insist on a proper check. Very very sad about our beautiful van .
If it wasn’t your fault then everything would be covered because it wouldn’t be going through your insurance company. Just make sure you claim for everything that is damaged.
Thanks for helpful replies. I contacted VW customer care who in turn contacted their nearest approved body shop. They need specific photos which we will send.
Who's insurance company are you talking to, yours or the other parties?
In your position previously I have just dealt direct with the other sides insurers, laid down my requirements clearly, ie approved repairer, decent replacement car and most importantly, no spending my time getting quotes or taking vans in, collecting hire cars, let them pick up & deliver at your convenience.

You should find that they will normally agree to just about anything reasonable as they can then control their costs & keep things like hire charges to a minimum.
Someone drove into the back of our Cali on the M6 this morning. Back door badly bent and won’t open so can’t assess damage to chairs etc. Sliding door sticking. Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage. Do we need to insist on VW specialist? Or specific Cali place? Any advice welcome please. Liz
Who are you insured with?
Someone drove into the back of our Cali on the M6 this morning. Back door badly bent and won’t open so can’t assess damage to chairs etc. Sliding door sticking. Insurance sending us to their normal repair garage. Do we need to insist on VW specialist? Or specific Cali place? Any advice welcome please. Liz
Hi Liz. We were involved in a similar collision a week ago, but we can still open the rear door.
who are you insured with please? Our broker is AdrianFlux, who have themselves so far been efficient, but the other driver was arrested following a roadside breath test, so it has been suggested that his insurance will not cover him!
We are at an early point in our claim and have similar concerns/questions to you, so the replies to your post have been very helpful, if not totally of one voice.
Hi Liz. We were involved in a similar collision a week ago, but we can still open the rear door.
who are you insured with please? Our broker is AdrianFlux, who have themselves so far been efficient, but the other driver was arrested following a roadside breath test, so it has been suggested that his insurance will not cover him!
We are at an early point in our claim and have similar concerns/questions to you, so the replies to your post have been very helpful, if not totally of one voice.
Seek legal advice asap to ensure that correct steps are followed to ensure that you get your full costs back.

You might already have such cover with your current insurers, depending on which options you selected when you took out the insurance.
the other driver was arrested following a roadside breath test, so it has been suggested that his insurance will not cover him!
His insurance may not cover damage to his vehicle in that situation, but will always cover 3rd party damage ie yours.
Hi Liz. We were involved in a similar collision a week ago, but we can still open the rear door.
who are you insured with please? Our broker is AdrianFlux, who have themselves so far been efficient, but the other driver was arrested following a roadside breath test, so it has been suggested that his insurance will not cover him!
We are at an early point in our claim and have similar concerns/questions to you, so the replies to your post have been very helpful, if not totally of one voice.
Just because the driver had a positive breath test doesn’t mean he is not insured. That would mean that anyone who is legally insured but doing something illegal wouldn’t be insured. There is always someone to blame in an accident but sometimes some have more blame than others.
That person may well not be able to make a claim from their own insurance for themselves but that doesn’t apply to a third party.
Imagine if a drunk driver killed a pedestrian, Some has to be held accountable. This is all part of the Road traffic act.
It is possible that the drunk drivers insurance company will pursue him or her in court to reclaim the money paid to you.
In an accident where drunk driving is found the cause any Fully Comprehensive policy reverts to Third party for the guilty driver.
Re - Insurance Company chosen / approved repairers:

From Reynolds of Rushock (A Worcestershire VW Approved Bodyshop). - They have recently repaired my son's vehicle, superbly, in the face of some resistance from the other party's insurer.

Reynold's Advice:

Do I have to use my insurance company preferred repairer?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. All insurers nominate repairers that will give huge discounts in return for the insurer sending them lots of work. Cheap repairs mean poor repairs!

Your insurer CANNOT LEGALLY dictate where your car is repaired. It is your vehicle and your legal right to dictate where it is repaired. Because they want to get your car repaired cheaply they will suggest all manner of imaginary difficulties if you don’t do as they suggest.

They will say that you won’t get a courtesy car if you don’t use their repairer.

The insurer does not pay for or provide the courtesy cars. The repairer does. Reynolds will gladly supply you with a free of charge and fully insured courtesy car for the duration of your repair. If the damage to your vehicle was caused by another driver, a replacement vehicle will be paid for by their insurer. Do not be fooled into thinking you will not get a courtesy car if you don’t use the insurer suggested repairer.

They will suggest that their repairer’s guarantees are better than manufacturer’s warranties and that, if you don’t use their repairer, they will not assist you with any issues that arise with your repair.

The reality is that you are infinitely more likely to have an issue with an insurer suggested repairer who is being paid peanuts to fix your car compared to any repairer approved by the manufacturer of your car. If a bodywork repair is carried out that does not comply with your manufacturer’s specifications by qualified technicians, using approved paint repair materials and genuine parts, they will refuse a future bodywork warranty claim and a sub-standard repair will affect the future value of your vehicle or incur financial penalties upon the return of your car to a lease programme.

Does a repair at Reynolds get recorded on a central database or with my dealer / vehicle manufacturer?

No. Reynolds is fully compliant with The Date Protection Act and will not forward information about you or your vehicle / repair to any other party.

What if I want to avoid making an insurance claim?

We will review the damage to your vehicle and will discuss all of the available options with you. We are happy to discuss any number of options in order to arrive at the best answer for you.

Do Reynolds’ fit manufacturer’s genuine parts.
Do I have to get more than one estimate?
NO. Your insurance company will be supplied a very detailed estimate, with photographs of the damage. If they still insist on a second estimate, we can provide this for you.

Will it take longer to get my car repaired at Reynolds than the preferred repairer?

99% of vehicles no longer get physically inspected by insurers. The majority review the estimate that we forward to them via shared software. Repairs can get approved the very next day.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

If you are in any doubt at all about the validity of what your insurer is telling you, or indeed what we are telling you, please contact the insurance ombudsman on 0800 023 4 567 from a landline or 0300 123 9 123 from a mobile

Reynolds website here:

I have no connection with the company other than that mentioned above.
I hope that this assists
My Golf recently bumped into. Almost immediately was contacted by 'approved repairer'. I ignored their relentless calls. I went to local VW garage for quote. Rang insurance co up and explained that I wanted repair done by them. Sent quote. Couple of days later VW garage rang up to say repair authorised. I think it might be a case of if you don't ask you don't get. The amusing outcome was that my guaranteed hire car turned out to be an S Class Mercedes..... Nice to waft around in for a week.
It’s quite true that your insurance company cannot insist that you take the vehicle to one of their ”Approved” garages but it is possible they will want to inspect your choice of garage and you could lose some privileges ie Courtesy vehicle. You would need to check their 50 pages of Ts & Cs. This wouldn’t apply if you weren’t at fault and it wasn’t your insurance company footing the bill.

VW California Club
