All painted and back on the road



T4 PopTop
Hi All

Thought I'd post some pics of me Westy all back on the road now with a new coat of paint also had the D pillars painted black to blend in with the tinted windows I think it looks quite good what do ya think!
looks a bit better from the fire damage :p

Aylesbury Vale-20140405-00052.jpg Aylesbury Vale-20140405-00055.jpg Aylesbury Vale-20140405-00054.jpg
Looking good :thumb are you putting any graphics on it :?:
Was thinking of putting something on it nothing original?

Fancy getting the roof wrapped with the union jack with westy across the middle :eek:

And maybe if the vans ah rocking don't come ah knocking sticker on the back :lol:

Corse I will put the Westfalia decals back on the front and rear of the roof was also thinking of putting a California Coach sticker on the bonnet and rear door but with my own twist on it?
Looks really nice.

Is that Wendover Woods?
Yes, I like it there although I often forget you have to pay to park and run back to the carpark about 10 minutes after leaving it!
Looks great. :thumb

Doesn't look like Reflex silver though... Did you do a minor colour change... looks a little more like an Audi colour in the picture. Love it.

With the black wheels, would suit a side stripe in my opinion... Hope you don't mind me taking liberties with your pic ;)


Might have to think a little carefully about the size and spacing to take into account the sliding door... but easy enough to sort.

Either this or a slightly more subtle floor level similar black stripe... But I'm a little prejudiced as this is what I did on my Multivan.



Yes not the standard silver asked for a metallic silver.

Like the westfalia on the side although I was thinking of putting black side bars on with westfalia graphics stuck on in silver?
You can still get the original logos etc from vw if you have the part no. Which is available on

VW California Club
