Alternative use for Parking Heater



VIP Member
Windsor, UK
Found a really good use for a parking heater - saving someone from a severe case of Hyperthermia.

Last weekend we were camped in a private site on the edge of Lake Coniston. I decided a swim to the far side & back. It was cold, but not ridiculously so, I was ok, in my swimming trunks, no wetsuit. A couple of friends came with me. Upon return, one of my friends was not feeling so good. She couldn't warm up. We had to lift her into the California, as she couldn't even make the step up. 30 minutes in the California with the heater on full blast, just about revived her.

Anyhow, a reminder to all, to be careful not to let your core temp drop too much, and use your heater if it does!
syrup1971 said:
Found a really good use for a parking heater - saving someone from a severe case of Hyperthermia.

Last weekend we were camped in a private site on the edge of Lake Coniston. I decided a swim to the far side & back. It was cold, but not ridiculously so, I was ok, in my swimming trunks, no wetsuit. A couple of friends came with me. Upon return, one of my friends was not feeling so good. She couldn't warm up. We had to lift her into the California, as she couldn't even make the step up. 30 minutes in the California with the heater on full blast, just about revived her.

Anyhow, a reminder to all, to be careful not to let your core temp drop too much, and use your heater if it does!

mmmmmmm! think a few people on the mountain/air rescue would love a chat with you and your friends, very lucky people
We were actually pretty well equipped for dealing with the situation. We had a canoe, that had crossed with us, in case we got into difficulties, a well equipped base camp, and people who know the signs of hyperthermia. That is why we were able to deal with it quickly & efficiently.

Just that the Cali did help & I can imagine in a less hospitable environment, things could have been a lot worse.

I really relayed the story, as an interesting use fro the Cali, and as a reminder, to be prepared!


VW California Club
