Another new owner



Southampton UK
T5 SE 140
Just a word of intro, as requested, to say thanks as site very helpful when finding my way round my new Cali T5 SE. I'm retired now and live in Southampton but built a holiday home in Argyll so intend to make the journeys rather more leisurely in future than the mad 9 hour overnight dash in the Cali and know the stopovers will be a joy. Was going to make the leap in a few years but the adage - if not now when?- took hold!IMG_0391 (2).jpg
Welcome to the forum and I can foresee that soon your 9 hour journey may start to take 9 days :D

I am going to Somerset on Wednesday, from West Sussex, and setting off Monday so as to be there on time as Cali Fever normally takes over about 5 minutes into every journey. The main symptom is the overwhelming need to just wander off somewhere and stop when you feel like it, not always in the direction that you first intended going.

Welcome. Understand the need to find the alternative to the nine hour drive. I'm a recent owner too and got my Cali for same reasons as have little place in the dordogne. Looking forward to the journey as well as the destination. Feeling of freedom is great. Off to Wales tomorrow.
Welcome allong , some are lucky to have a Cali , some to have a private holliday home .....some have both jealous;)
Your Cali will give your trips even more a hollidayfeeling.
Thanks to all for the lovely welcome!
I am really looking forward to my Cali wanderings through England on my way north! It will finally make those spontaneous trips to the Scottish Isles when the weather beckons a possibility.:thumb
Hello & welcome.
Nice to know there are others who have bought for the same basic reason as we did, holiday home travel. Only slight difference being that ours is in Normandy.

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