anyone got brandrup rear carpets



VIP Member
im considering purchasing rear carpets & luggage area Brandrup carpets , anyone who has them could you please give me your feedback, many thanks !
Nicely made but do not make the same error as I did; do not buy grey, buy black. Grey is killing to clean, especially in winter.
I've got the three rail carpet for the passenger compartment...

Took it out after a week... Good carpet bit difficult to clean... It's the grey version.

It's now been rolled up in my garage for over 3 years.

I use a commercial carpet in the back now... More practical.
thanks, so black it is , are they worth the price ? thanks again
I'd agree with the above comments. I have grey and to be honest they mark easily and are not easy to clean.
They are however a lovely fit and make the cabin really nice.
I'd go for them in black.
Hi I was very disappointed with the the quality have used them as a template to make my own,

VW California Club
