

I've been working out if owning a VW California is a viable option and realistic prospect since we saw a BMVS van at the Goodwood FOS. Camping just does not offer enough comfort/warmth anymore and the packing, re-packing and setting up is very time consuming and restrictive, especially with nowhere to dry out a large sodden canvas tent.

So I am new to the campervan world and forums for that matter actually, sorry if it's not in the right place etc.

I have now decided that a California is a realistic purchase, that we plan to make in summer 2014- some DIY to do before then :sad Which of course leaves me plenty of time to ponder and obsess over the brochures, optional extras, tips and advice on here etc etc. I have soooo many questions, but with 18mths to kill I will try to pace myself.

We are currently planning on:
180ps manual in night blue, crete anthracite
privacy glass
climatronic 3 zone air con
Kenwood radio (we want to future proof DAB and brochure says RNS510 isn't available with DAB)
removable tow bar
cruise ctrl
xenons (I don't like being blinded by them either but also would like as much light as poss in dark)
parking senors and reversing camera (might have to be retro fitted I think with Kenwood??)

So the questions if you would be so kind..... Is the reversing camera, necessary/useful and can anyone confirm if the Kenwood on offer as an "Add on" is the dnx521dab please?

Most importantly I suppose, the cali will eventually be our second car for long trips and occasional commute, is it in reality versatile enough for this?

We are planning to hire a van and try it out before buying because when we buy, it will be with a view to keeping it for many years.

Many thanks
Welcome on board. Glad we set the itch in motion at FOS :clap
Modern Xenons don't blind in the same way because they are bi Xenons, your normal Xenon light shouldn't be too bad.

I've got Kenwood with reversing camera, it's good, I'd probably still go for VW OEM sat nav. The main advantage with the Kenwood is that everything is built in, whereas with VW you have to pay extra for bits. That's negated a bit because if you shop round you can get VW 510 systems at a really good price :)

I've got the more basic camera - no gridlines etc but I wouldn't be without it. On a large vehicle T5, it's invaluable, you can never rely on these aids completely but it is really handy to have.

glad your making the sacrifice .... :thumb :thumb :thumb
there's lots of advice flying about the forum and loads of knowledgeable members to help...

welcome and get that wallet out with your spec list :bananadance :cool
If you're planning to take delivery next summer, be aware that the delivery lead times can be lengthy. So, put your order in in 12 months... :D

I've not got a reversing camera but I do find that the square dimensions of the van, good visibility and maneuverability make for pretty easy parking etc.
The accessory Kenwood system is the DNX521DAB. There are two types of reverse camera we can fit to it at PDI or at a later date.

I've just fitted the new Kenwood with DAB to replace the older model. This is now a viable alternative to the OEM system (but much cheaper). I use this with the high-spec camera which is great, but also with the Kenwood digital TV tuner which is fantastic.

As has been said above, these are real easy to park as you can see all four corners, but the camera gets rid of the huge rear blind spot.

I use the Cali as my only vehicle and love it for every day driving and trips. The only downside for me is parking in central London where the height is an issue forcing you to park on street.

I deliberated for months on this, as this is twice as much as I have ever spent on a car before, but as Edith Piaf would say - Non, Je ne regrette rien.

VW California Club
