Attaching a Khyam Tourer drive away awning.



Help!!!! We purchased our VW Cali last September, complete with factory fitted wind-out awning. At the October motorhome show in Birmingham last October, we invested in a Khyam Tourer drive away awning. It arrived with figure of 8 strips,but no kador strip. I have just rung Khyam who told me that if the awning is fitted to the wind out awning channel with Kador strip,it will snag on the doors.(Though the Khyam video shows a Classic being attached this way). He told me to forget the Kador strip and attach the figure of 8 direct to the top of the hinged cover of the awning!!! How can this work???? Does anyone have any advise as to what we do now??? And what size Kador is required if we go with that?? Thanks!!! :help
Yes it will fit to the top edge of the wind out awning with the figure of eight.
Just wind the awning out slightly and the figure of eight can be fitted and then wind the awning back in again.
Like this
You can see that it is much higher than with the kador strip so will easily clear the door.
Very interesting as we have the same problem. Does the figure of eight slide onto the awning or simply hook onto it? How do you release it when you want to drive away. Why did we bother to buy the kador strip for £30.

Great to hear of an easier way thank you very much.

And thanks from me too Briwy - and ditto re the £30!!!
To release it just wind the awning out a bit and lift the fig 8 off, reversal of fitting really.
It's so much easier than refitting the the kador strip after a trip out.
How does this method stand up to windy conditions? Is it as secure as if attached with Kador strip?? And doesn't it wobble about, as the top of the awning cover is just a thin wedge???? Would love to see some more photos of how it fits!! Also does it damage the awning cover by not being a snug fit?? Thanks again!
sue4campervan said:
How does this method stand up to windy conditions? Is it as secure as if attached with Kador strip?? And doesn't it wobble about, as the top of the awning cover is just a thin wedge???? Would love to see some more photos of how it fits!! Also does it damage the awning cover by not being a snug fit?? Thanks again!

Not really used it when it's really windy so can't comment but I guess in extreme winds it could blow off but personally I wouldn't be using the awning then anyway.
It doesn't wobble as it's trapped between the windy out bit and the fixed bit of the awning.
I suppose over time it could mark the awning but for me the convenience is worth it.
Excellent advice briwy when we first got our khyam we attached it with the kador to the awning channel and surprise surprise it rubbed on the top of the door.
As a result we've never attached it to the van since.
We've got a week off next month so might give it a go using your method.

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We attach our Airbeam in this way with no problems on a recent windy week at Ruda!!
Thanks briwy!!! Do you have any more pics eg with Tourer in position fixed to van??

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