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Hi everyone. I’m looking for a consensus of opinion on the noise the auxiliary heater makes whilst in operation. I’m aware of the slight ticking and the fan noise which doesn’t bother me in the slightest but I’m being driven nuts by a whirring initialising noise. I have a 1 year old 6.1 4Motion. It’s been back to the garage and they said it was a fuel sensor which they replaced but it wasn’t. So, I’ve spent the whole of yesterday and today seeing what makes it do the whirring initialising noise from the dashboard/engine area. And I think it’s the heater when it’s in operation. But I’m not sure. Does yours do the same? It sometimes does it every 30 seconds, sometimes every couple of minutes and can do it throughout the night when the heaters on and sometimes not at all. If everyone else’s does it I will live with it as the heater is an amazing bit of kit. If no-one else’s does then does anyone know what it could be (so I can tell the mechanics who have so far drawn a blank)? Thank you in advance. I love this community. It seems such a minor problem but it’s even more irritating than my partner’s snoring and that’s really really irritating…
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