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Awning weatherproof protection



T5 SE 140
Hi guys,
I have a Kampa blow up drive away awning, it's a couple of years old now and was thinking of weather proofing it, but not sure which would be the best, any suggestions?
No, but that's a good idea

Have never needed to apply a waterproofing product to an awning. Have always purchased older models secondhand (Reimo, Vango etc)

Is your awning leaking? If not, then wouldn't touch it.
Thanks Ch1pbutty, this is why I asked the question, get people's thoughts, ideas and recommendations, so thank you.
The awning isn't leaking, but has been used a few times in the wet and I thought it might be a good idea to re-proof it, as I thought it wouldn't hurt, before storing it for the next few months. So I was wondering what's the best product to use?
However, I totally understand what you're saying .
Awnings are just tents. I’m guessing from your post it’s a cotton/ polycotton type. This material gets better after a few soakings as the fibres expand. We had a polycotton tent for around 15 years, using it for 3-4 weeks each year and it never leaked. If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it.
Awnings are just tents. I’m guessing from your post it’s a cotton/ polycotton type. This material gets better after a few soakings as the fibres expand. We had a polycotton tent for around 15 years, using it for 3-4 weeks each year and it never leaked. If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it.
Thanks for your advice
This is our first awning and it cost a small fortune, so just want to do our best to keep it in good condition,
No, but that's a good idea
I've now had a reply from Kampa, see attached. I would still like to know what people think about reproofing the awning and what products they would recommend if they think it's a good idea.