Battery error!


Gone, but not forgotten!
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
Camped by the beach this weekend and for some stupid reason, we decided not to take our hook up cable (yet had hook up on our pitch).

Leisure batteries were fine but went to start after two days campering and... almost nothing! Looks like using the stereo uses more juice than expected as we didn't really use anything else from he engine battery. Luckily we were on a downhill slope and I bump started it.

Stereo presets all needed re-doing. I mainly like the Kenwood system but a few thing do irk slightly - the time it takes to switch on, the poor bluetooth quality (I think this might be my phone's fault though - testing it with an i-phone when it arrives today!) and the amount of juice it appears to use. Not bad overall and still prefer it to the RNS510 but still a bit irritating at times.

Today's purchase? Some jump leads! And I'll take the hook up cable too!

Only took a quick drive to charge it back up though and all batteries now fully juiced up.
It's a pain when this happens! It has happened to me twice and I still can't work out the physics of it. I now carry jump leads because on my old Lexus RX400 hybrid about 2 hours radio use would run down the engine battery - it still doesn't make sense considering that a home radio takes small aa batteries and they last ages but a beefy motor battery runs down so quickly. I am sure that somene can explain it.

As an aside the bizarre thing with a Lexus hybrid is that like the Cali they have more than one battery - the main one drives the car at low speeds, start stop driving etc. So when the small engine one runs out the main one could still be fully charged. Due to a design flaw I had to get a jump start from another car but it doesn't start the engine - just initialises the electronics. So the kind guy who help me thought I was mad when I thanked him and disconnected the jump leads without the engine running. And then even more surprisingly to him drove off silently!

Lexus have apparently redesigned the new ones to link the batteries together - couldn't you do a similar thing in a Cali and only give up if all 3(?) batteries are dead?

Sounds odd! Our £12 Morphy Richards radio lasts about three years on a set of C size batteries and we use it all the time!
I assume it is the amplifier part of the system that uses all of the power as it is feeding to 8 speakers ?
Martin said:
I assume it is the amplifier part of the system that uses all of the power as it is feeding to 8 speakers ?

I guess it might just be the hifi - maybe the electric shutting doors, the aux lights, the DRLs (when the flick on) and a few other bits? Assume the roof works off the leisure batteries? That must use a lot of power!
Any stereo with sat nav built in is a computer with various programs giving you the view on the screen, so would definitely draw more current than a home radio & standard car stereo.
Still a lot of power being sucked away. The BM doesn't have satnav but it's got a pokey system with subs and it doesn't even slightly worry the battery even after hours of use.

Anyway I got some jump leads - sadly because the car I'd probably use to jump it (our BM or the inlaws X5 or possibly a 2.4 Defender) is a flaming three litre diesel so I needed mega heavy duty leads - they are HUGE! Like two curled drainpipes. They come in a giant carry case that takes up a good chunk of the underseat storage space - DARN! Not risking getting caught out again though.
If you have been using the stereo for any time you must have had the ignition on & the day light running lights will also have been on & drawing current as well as the stereo.
Andy said:
If you have been using the stereo for any time you must have had the ignition on & the day light running lights will also have been on & drawing current as well as the stereo.
My thoughts are the same Andy......also it's not at all healthy for the ignition system components :cry:
Andy said:
If you have been using the stereo for any time you must have had the ignition on & the day light running lights will also have been on & drawing current as well as the stereo.
No - you can switch the ignition off and still use it; just need the key in. No lights.

Surely you know that? ;)

Never heard of an ignition system being damaged by using the stereo when stationary...

Can't really see what's wrong with wanting music when stopped - anyone would think it was a crime?! Helps get the kids to sleep. Seems a shame to use something else - the sound from the Kenwood system is pretty decent too.
Matt, Andy and I are only trying to offer help on why you lost SO much charge using the information that you gave in an earlier post, namely......
KernowLad said:
the DRLs (when the flick on)
coupled with the amount of capacity drain that occurred!
As for:
KernowLad said:
Never heard of an ignition system being damaged by using the stereo when stationary...
My comment regarding possible ignition component damage only relates to sitting in a stationery vehicle with the ignition switched on......not using the stereo when stationary :headwall

Indeed Cali180 ans I do appreciate it but the tone was ever so slightly of the patronising variety. :doh

I've still not heard of an ignition system being damaged by being left on. I'd be genuinely keen to hear of any reports of this happening.

We flick the ignition on then back off again - then the stereo runs for about half an hour. When it switches off, we do the same again. Not ideal but as I said, we like the use the stereo when stationary as I'm sure many others do. Just seems to use a lot of power - way more than the system in our BM with a lot more wattage output.
I guess some sort of relay system to change power to leisure batteries when ignition is off would be ideal. There was a website selling such a loom but I think it is no longer. listed on their site unfortunately.
There seem to be some serious issues with the Californian electrics.

I left the all 4 doors open for about 4 hours, with nothing turned on apart from the lights actuated by the door opening.

The result was a flat main battery, and I was unable to restart the vehicle.

Does anyone understand what is happening here?


If the front interior lights are on the CAN bus network is 'awake' & live so must be drawing power, but I don't think It would be enough to drain the battery.
Everything back from the seats runs on the leisure battery & stuff in the cab runs on the main engine battery.

How old is your Cali ? Could main battery be dying ??
Well we had a pretty major party on Sunday (my 37th Birthday!) and because we were in a relatives field (!) I risked using the stereo (it's pretty loud with the Kenwood system). Left it on by mistake for longer than intended, three days of non movement, fired up absolutely fine. So not quite sure why it died last time but was okay this time.

Bit of a shame as I now feel I have to carry enormous jump leads! Better to be safe...
Thanks for your interest Andy. Sorry not to have replied earlier.

Battery has been tested by VW Assist who say it is fine. Cali is june 2009. we bought it 2nd hand in june 2011 with just 2500 miles on the clock.


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