Brandrup ISO-TOP



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
I'm looking at getting some form of insulation for he pop top and the Brandrup ISO-TOP looks good as you do not have to take it on and off ever time you want to use it saving space in the Cali for other things.
What are people's experiences of this? I realise it is expensive, but is it a good piece of kit? I know the instructions are terrible, but there are a few YouTube videos that are very good in that respect.
Expensive but really good.
Fit and forget, probably the best accessory I’ve bought.
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Also people seem to make a big song and dance about them being difficult to fit but it’s pretty straightforward.
I'm looking at getting some form of insulation for he pop top and the Brandrup ISO-TOP looks good as you do not have to take it on and off ever time you want to use it saving space in the Cali for other things.
What are people's experiences of this? I realise it is expensive, but is it a good piece of kit? I know the instructions are terrible, but there are a few YouTube videos that are very good in that respect.
You have a T6.1. Do you have the leaking 3S bellows?
We haven't got one (yet) but it's creeping closer the top of the list.

We you first get the van there's a bewildering list of potential accessories to ponder, including roof insulation. We quickly realised that we needed something for reasons of warmth / light proofing / noise proofing, but were put off both by the high cost and faff factor of the isotop. Over time we've picked up both a roof topper ( and a thicker Rainbow Screens wrap. Both of these have their merits, but I'm leaning towards an isotop as our next purchase to cut down on faff and free up a bit of internal storage. (The topper fits in the rear door space but the Rainbow Screen os bulky, so we don't always take it).

One thing about all of these products is that if you look after them they tend to have decent resale value via the formus, so you can always move them on to fund an upgrade or change if you need to. This also means that good used examples often pop up for sale. That being said, the topper is useful in heavy rain and the wrap is good festival noise proofing, so I might keep both even if I eventually stump up for an ISOTOP.
I am another fan of the Isotop. Fit it and forget about it. Just take your time and follow the videos on Youtube. Once we had cycled the roof a few times we readjusted and it is now fine.
Just reading this with interest.

We have the latest double skinned 04S bellows. Someone on one of the threads here speculated that with the additional material of the second skin, there may not be space for the ISO Top when fitted.

I have no idea on this, does anyone have any insight?
Thanks for all the useful comments and advice. I think I will take the plunge and get one soon.

VW California Club
