Buying mattress for California Beach



Looking to buy

I'm looking at buying a comfort mattress for a beach, but have been getting different quotes from different people. It seems the van centre I am buying the van from is telling me to get what they are saying is the new thicker mattress for the beach which is costing £602 (part no: 7e8067135clqu).

Another van centre is saying the actual comfort mattress is £433 + vat (£519) (part no: 7e7067135dlqu) and what they are giving me is coming up as a padded surface for a transporter.

I'm a little confused now. Am I being had on or is this actually a better mattress for the California beach?

Thanks, Tom
The VW Comfort mattress isn’t all that comfortable so you may wish to investigate other options.
We have the Brandrup mattress. It doesn’t flatten all the lumps and bumps of the bed but we find it adequately comfortable.
The comfort mattress does a good job of making a level bed, filling in all the dips etc. We find it too hard on its own and have just invested in a memory topper to soften it.

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I was tempted to buy the VW comfort matress a month ago and took this photo of the part number of the matress in a brand new Beach in a showroom.

I have just had mine delivered (3 seater)but part number is different to that in your photo. Mine is 7E8-067-135-C-LQU. Have i been sent the wrong part? I only ask as having installed it i wouldn't say the surface is particularly evened out.
I have just had mine delivered (3 seater)but part number is different to that in your photo. Mine is 7E8-067-135-C-LQU. Have i been sent the wrong part? I only ask as having installed it i wouldn't say the surface is particularly evened out.
Oh Sorry, I dont know. I was trying to find out the VW part number on here a month or so ago but it seemed nobody could help me. Whilst driving past Beadles in Dartford, I thought I'd pop in on the off chance and see if they had a Beach in the showroom and that's when I took the photo. It was a brand new showroom Beach with the mattress fully sealed up.

VW California Club
