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C4 series starting 3rd August



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T6.1 Ocean 150
If you think the NC500 is rammed now it will further deteriorate following a C4 documentary on the NC500 which aires tonight at 8pm. First in a series of 4 on Britains most beautiful roads.
the winter months are quieter
Did the run in June with very little traffic, much to my surprise.
I am sure that it gets very choked at times, but choose the month right and it will probably be fine.
Looking forward to watching the program.
A friend who lives on the NC500 says mid September onwards is pretty fine. Schools are back, midges much less, the road is quieter. I’m in the planning stages of my trip in 7 weeks time …
Every time there is a show or an article or a book on the NC500 the same calls come out that it will go mad. I don’t see it. To do the NC500 is an undertaking that most don’t have the time or energy to do. Our country is full of lazy sh1ts who’d prefer to watch from their @rse on the sofa. Unless you are local its heck of a drive to just get there. We did it in April and it was spot on. The odd lunatic in a hired whale, but more times than not we drove for a good hour without a single other car or van. I’d not even contemplate that area from May on anyway due to the famous midgies. Quite happy for it to be rammed in the summer, if it really is, keeps them off the route for us that can carry out the 7Ps and go “off” season.
Just watched the first episode. Strikes a balance between the need to protect the route but also give the local people a livelihood.

It’s why when we did it we stayed at sites rather than become carpark twitchers and always bought local.

Typically the white whale driver was a newbie and smacked a post picking up the motorhome in the first 10 meters. Everything we found about the whalers when we did it.

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