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Cali calendar

Are they being sent out yet?

Waiting with huge anticipation for mine, will make a change from smiling dogs, fluffy cats, giraffes and pictures of cheesy sunsets.
They are at the printers Jen. should be with us in a couple of weeks I will let everybody know
As soon as I have sent them out :thumb
Down to the last few calendars now, so if anyone else wants to order one you will need to be quick.

Thanks to everyone who sent in their photo's, we really struggled as many were taken with camera phones and the resolution was too low and the printer rejected them so please do not take it personally if yours were not included.
No its not too late we have a few left :thumb
Received the calendar today. I was delighted to discover that September and November pictures are taken by myself. I did not even know they are being considered to the print !!. I am surprised by the fact that the low resolution which I uploaded to forum was sufficient to obtain quite a decent print quality. My suggestion for future calendar would only be to include in description at least the place where photo was taken, and author's name, if he/she is interested to have his/her name given.

Thank you Kevin and Martin for the very pleasant surprise .
