California T6.1 User Manual?

Only in hard copy!
Only in hard copy!

Can you write / draw it all for us and post up?? ;) Seriously though, is it possible to get online at all, or is it possible to order a hard copy from somewhere? We have a deposit down on one and would like to have a look over before we get it :)
VW had the car manuals online, there was a link where you put your vin in and downloaded it, but last time I checked, the transporter was not available.
I was in the same boat but couldn't find a T6.1 manual online. The T6 is in the resources section and as a lot is still the same it may give you a start.
has anyone managed to source one pls?
I am also interested by this question.

Has anyone managed to get an electronic version of the california T6.1 user manuals? or at least the manual of the transporter T6.1?
I also would like a california T6.1 user manual electronic version if possable as the van I hoppe to buy is Spanish so user manual will take me a 100 years to read!!!!!!!! Hope someone can help please.
Same here, got a Spanish Ocean 6.1 and that manual is hard work. English PDF would be grand!
Ordered two California 6.1 manuals (as mine came in Portuguese) from different VW dealers in UK. First was for a 6...not helpful...second was for a 6.1 van - despite clear instructions and a correct registration using VAGUK ‘s own Cali 6.1 demo would LOVE an online manual please
Ordered two California 6.1 manuals (as mine came in Portuguese) from different VW dealers in UK. First was for a 6...not helpful...second was for a 6.1 van - despite clear instructions and a correct registration using VAGUK ‘s own Cali 6.1 demo would LOVE an online manual please
The California comes with the Standard Van/Multivan Handbook + a Special California Supplement Handbook which deals only with the Camping side of things.
The California comes with the Standard Van/Multivan Handbook + a Special California Supplement Handbook which deals only with the Camping side of things.
Aah. ok. Useful info...thank you. Can anyone kindly supply me with the part number from the back of the UK California supplement please? UK dealers fixated with UK registration numbers, chassis numbers “no good to me mate” Curious to know how it all works...
We bought secondhand 6.1 Cali a few months ago and the manual had been lost. We downloaded it from the website after becoming VIP members and got it printed locally, not cheap but so much easier having the hard copy.
We bought secondhand 6.1 Cali a few months ago and the manual had been lost. We downloaded it from the website after becoming VIP members and got it printed locally, not cheap but so much easier having the hard copy.
Unfortunately the Forum doesn’t have a copy of the T6.1 manual,
I produced the T6 version that's on this website by cutting up the paper copy and feeding through a scanner. If anyone wants to donate a 6.1 hardcopy, I'd be happy to run it through the scanner and make it available.
Not sure if it helps but once you have popped your VIN in and got to the online manual and supplement - you can create pdfs of the sections. It’s not ideal as doesn’t work for the whole manual but great for key parts.

I have done it this way on iPhone/iPad
Go to the section you need on the online manual - click the forward icon. Before selecting who to forward to - click options (picture 1) and change from web or auto to pdf. (Picture 2).
Then you can email it to yourself as in picture 3.

Well it works for me and useful if you don’t have a signal!




Asked Eurovans who said they only have paper copies - he’s never seen an electronic version
Can we get it and scan it? I would do it, if I know where to order. My Cali came with manual in languages I do not understand (French and Dutch).

VW California Club
