Cannot find Water Pump Fuse



Hello, on my California T5 year 2007 i'm going crazy looking for the water pump fuse... its not under the drivers seat... as suggested from the manual... so can some help me... because my pump has stopped working... i firstly need to check the fuse....
if possibile send me some photos...
Hoping in a prompt reply
Best Regards
Does the tap make a click when you open it the pump might be stuck :?:
"Under the drivers seat" wasn't translated properly from the original German-left hand drive-manual so we have to look under the passenger seat, thank you Vw for your attention to detail.
Could the pump be frozen?
Thank you... yes I can locate the fuse box under the seat but the actual fuse number 16 is missing... where could it be??
Yes thank you snowy55... But it still doesn't help.. Can't find it... Any other ideas to help me out?

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The first thing I would do is remove the cover in the wardrobe pull the connection off the
Top of the water tank and test it with a multimeter with the tap open if you get a reading
Your pump is either stuck or broken if no reading I would then check all fuses under the seat
Thank You SIR for the advice.. I have done this Check the reading is 2 and no change if open tap... So Thats why im insisting to try and find the fuse... Any ideas where ur could be besides under the seat...

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Should be under n/so seat with fuses for other camping gear. Standard 'van' fuses are below ash tray / pullout drinks holders.

VW California Club
