Confusing 'for sale' Ads for T5 Autos



Née T4WFA. Now without Cali :(
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Pedantic Pete here....
There are three T5s (not T5.1s) Autos for sale on the forum, ALL THREE wrongly claim that their Auto gearboxes are 'DSG' (rather than Tiptronic).

Is this error being forced into the Ads by some options sellers have to select when placing an ad? Or is there such confusion.

It would be worth sorting if it's a 'system error' as this forum should be the expert place to buy Cali's, and such confusion is misleading to inexperienced buyers.
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I have just looked when you place an add you choose your category. I.e. T5 California se,beach ocean etc then you fill in the title yourself this is where the advertisers in question are putting dsg instead of tiptronic you do get a choice of auto or manual later on in the add process so not really a fault with the listing software just ill informed sellers I will see if the tech guy can add to manual dsg or tiptronic but can't guarantee they will choose the right one.
Thanks kev. I wonder if one started it and the others followed. Odd that all three share the error.
Yes unfortunately some people think all auto cali's are DSG. maybe we could create a document to help people who are buying second hand of the differences and what to look for when buying.
I've often suggested that there needs to be some buyers guides, and further summaries (ie roof corrosion, earth shunt....) that are minted by the forum and made available to vips, but my suggestion was usually shot down as trying to limit discussion.
If the forum really wants to 'own the space' then it would do well to produce these guides. At the moment 'youknowho-tastic' have written and promoted their own.
I agree. maybe a knowledgeable member could start the ball rolling with a basic history of the cali from 2006 to present.
I agree. maybe a knowledgeable member could start the ball rolling with a basic history of the cali from 2006 to present.
They might, but I think it's down to the forum owners, as they'll be the beneficiaries of the work through increased revenue, once this place becomes (even more) the best Cali resource.
agree. maybe a knowledgeable member could start the ball rolling with a basic history of the cali from 2006 to present.

I am sure there was a post the other day with the history of the vw camper but I cant find it now may have been by an insurance company supplier
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