Cooker top cleaning - help



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The Great North West
T6 Ocean 150
Having trouble finding the right product to remove stubborn cooking remains from the stainless top around the rings. Tried lots of products and even vinegar, lemon etc. It still doesn’t come up like I’d want it.
Or am I asking too much?
Does anybody have any secret tips or cleaning products that get it back to shiney new? TIA
Watching this with interest after my cooker top was "grand-boyed"......

My grandsons just love playing in Alfie but sometimes I'm not sure that I share their enthusiasm
You may laugh but Sainsburys floor wipes and dry off with some kitchen roll, only a pound and they’re great on the Cali floor too.
Johnsons baby oil is great for maintaining the steel.
Definitely Agree. Just a few drops and some kitchen roll and it comes up like new.
As far as the actual burner is concerned. The metal changes colour once heated and virtually impossible to get back to new. At least it proves you’ve used it.

VW California Club
