COTF 2014 - Special Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories



VIP Member
VIP Trade Partner
Evening everyone, for all of those asking about what we’ll be bringing to COTF - Here we go! :thumb

COTF 2014 Cash price list – credit and debit card payment available for a fee.
Pre order now and collect on the day! – 01246 825873

Our new 2014 Awning Kit for the California or Fiamma f45 New features include – 2 x large windows with blinds, awning skirting (to reduce drafts) additional Velcro attachments to secure around the vertical poles + the ability to open the front up as and additional canopy – doubling the size of the roll out awning. £320

Cali-Topper compact –
With windows £210 – minus windows £160 – Grey and black available.
Roofless with windows – to use whilst roof bars are fitted - £250

Cabin mattress topper – Memory foam -£90 – Standard foam £70
1” memory foam roof mattress toppers - £75
Complete Replacement Roof mattress – 2” memory foam £120.
External thermal windscreen cover - £90
Beach cabin mattress full width 2” memory foam £150 – Grey or Black
Memory foam seat pads for the deck chairs £20
Parcel shelf cover /protector £50

If there is anything else you require just drop us a call! ;-)
Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

Hi nick could I order a cali topper without windows in black & a upstairs replacement mattress
by the way can you accept a card on the day :?:
Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

Sure not a problem - I'll pop them to one side for you :thumb

Yes card can be accepted on the day for a small fee.


P.S. :thanks to everyone else who has ordered over the phone - we'll need two vans at this rate! Being serious for a moment though, anyone wanting anything to be taken to COTF, please order early to avoid disappointment as we are already looking very, very, busy.
Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

As a new member and coming to COTF , hope to by a ( black) Cali topper with two windows and also a outside thermal front/side screen cover ...if the are availible! Do hope so!
Guess i will ad a lot more things when i see all of it in real life... :D best to bring my VISA- card ?!
How do you get the member discount? Do i need anything to proof my membership?
Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

Hi there,

No need to prove your membership the discounts are for the show its self so just pop and see us over the weekend :thumb

Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

A quick thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered from us! :thumb :thumb :thumb
We're busy working, getting everything ready for next weekend.

We've not forgot the T4 owners either – We’ll be taking along some mattress toppers, windscreen covers and replacement roof mattresses for folks to have a look at.

We'll also have a discount area where some of our old stock & seconds will be available to have a rummage through.

We've also been asked to bring along some of our cushions too, these are made from OEM fabrics and will be available for £30 a set on the day - Available in anthracite, warm grey and Takato.


Re: COTF 2014 - Price list (Comforts Leisure Accessories)

comfortz said:
A quick thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered from us! :thumb :thumb :thumb
We're busy working, getting everything ready for next weekend.

We've not forgot the T4 owners either – We’ll be taking along some mattress toppers, windscreen covers and replacement roof mattresses for folks to have a look at.

We'll also have a discount area where some of our old stock & seconds will be available to have a rummage through.

We've also been asked to bring along some of our cushions too, these are made from OEM fabrics and will be available for £30 a set on the day - Available in anthracite, warm grey and Takato.



Hi Nick
I for one will be interested in your T4 mattress toppers !

Will see you next FRiday :thumb

Re: COTF 2014 - Special Price list (Comforts Leisure Accesso

I'll pop one to one side for you Ben - see you there :D
Re: COTF 2014 - Special Price list (Comforts Leisure Accesso

Could you please reserve me 1 Cali-Topper in Grey with windows for collection at the show this weekend.
Stephen Mallaby
Re: COTF 2014 - Special Price list (Comforts Leisure Accesso

Sure - I'll put one to one side for you Stephen :thumb


VW California Club
